So I finally went full on nerd. Playing Star Trek Online. Any life out there?

Ill put up a couple instructions tonight for those of you who don't like to read tutorials. One of the most frustrating things about these kind of games is figuring out how shit works.

Archeaster can tell you a lot more than I can but I am a recent noob so i went through this the other day.
Downloaded, installed, patched and started playing. Doing the first set of Tutorial missions now. Got the point where I beam down to the planet. Overall, not bad. I selected a Vulcan, Engineering Officer to play as at the character creation screen.
Nice I will be back on in like 15 minutes gonna peice together a quick uber basic fly and shoot video. Ill see if I can find u when im back in.
Im stuck at work. Then I have to go to the laundromat so I won't be on till much later. I had just saved the cargo ship captain from the slavers before I went to work
Im not 100% sure but it almost seems like Teaming up is gonna be shit after this last patch? Level matching with lower level players is undone at random times. We found ourselves fighting ships that were my level and even when i turn level matching off they kick my ass. We had to split up and finish a mission as seperates.
Im not 100% sure but it almost seems like Teaming up is gonna be shit after this last patch? Level matching with lower level players is undone at random times. We found ourselves fighting ships that were my level and even when i turn level matching off they kick my ass. We had to split up and finish a mission as seperates.

Yea, that was a fun 10 minutes. Spawn, die. Spawn, die. Spawn, fire, die.
The level matching is very touchy, It will force you to stay together, and if you break from matching and you are playing on a difficulty harder than normal (or someone else is) be ready to get blown up a lot. It is like any other FTP mmo that I have heard about. They have there bugs, and it is a pain in the ass, if I was not a full retard trekkie, I would never have gotten this game. @ farstar....GAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
I'll hop on if I see you guys around...gotta add some of you on steme :S

Shard is going down in 9 minutes (2AM Central Time). I'll be around tomorrow night, I hope, trying to get to Level 10 for a new ship. We've got Igunadion, Archeastor, Farstar (GAAAYYYY), Brownstreaks, Rain and myself all playing. The more the merrier, having more ships would definitely make some of the battles easier as the game progresses.
me too.....not sure I wanna go full nerd though.

Do it. After you get used to the controls and the obvious "noob" shit, its very fun. Go and download it (you can download the game via torrent for faster download speed). We (I) can help you get through the first few missions (same to you Iguanadion) to get you to rank 10 faster (Rank 10 gives you a free ship + unlocks better weapons/shields). It really helps if someone a little higher rank helps in those first few missions cause of the superior firepower/shields. Unless the game decides to fuck you and put everyone against Rank 30s (like it did to Rain, Brown and myself) that shit wasn't fun. At all. :)
I gave it a go when it first went F2P; got bored during the tutorial & never went back. I'll give it another look.

J/K! Looks like fun! Just be careful...those Perfect World games are real money pits! (I used to play PWI)