So Im looking at new wireless routers...


Registered User
Sep 20, 2013
does anyone have any suggestions on some wireless routers that wont kill the bank. I was mainly looking at netgear and asus for brands in the $150-200 but would look at others. And why does the nighthawk have 3 eggs, thought they were one of the better routers available?

I was looking at the Netgear Nighthawk AC1900 or the Asus AC68U.

If it helps I have 8 different things all streaming at any given time and my ISP has me listed as 5 up/ 30 down.
Here's a good one.


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ASUS products are pretty solid. Especially if you can find a good deal on them.
Unless you are going to set QoS for every client, just get any router with the latest protocols/standards. I have that nighthawk thing and it's no better or worse than a $100 router. I just thought it looked cool.
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