Some times i hate water cooling


Registered User
May 4, 2011
I'm really starting to hate my water cooling (as the title says) i spotted a leak in my radiator the other day so i drain it all out and put some JB Weld on it so i dont have to spend 100$ on a new one. after it drys for 12 hours i put some water back in and the leaks worse lol, so my pc will be out for a few days but i have BF2 on this old hunk O junk so ill still be playing on the servers. I dont know if any of you have seen me on the servers at all but i have been playing guys.

Cya online
It great if you want to keep things cool; I ran into something similar; My res is above my DVD player, I noticed that the res was low 2 days in a row; I looked and my DVD drive is covered with coolant. Needless to say my drive is no good. I ended up finding that my pump wasn't tightened enough to my res. Good luck f you have to change something out...Draining everything is a pain.
It great if you want to keep things cool; I ran into something similar; My res is above my DVD player, I noticed that the res was low 2 days in a row; I looked and my DVD drive is covered with coolant. Needless to say my drive is no good. I ended up finding that my pump wasn't tightened enough to my res. Good luck f you have to change something out...Draining everything is a pain.

Heh good thing you had a cheap catch pan. I decided against the prepackaged crap just because of the unknowns. It also doesnt help the entire system sits above your GPU's and in newer systems the PSU as well. The PSU was probably my largest issue since if enough coolant makes it that way you can kiss everything good bye.

Custom systems like your's I actually have a little more faith in (after some pressure testing anyways lol) but soooo damn expensive in comparison.