Someone frapped to ban...


Registered User
Oct 25, 2010
This is the third hacker ive seen I have some screens and a frap of him using heavy machine gun and weaving around firing from the hip and getting like 60/5 scores...

Capt Handsome

MoHMPGame2010-10-3114-57-24-10.jpg picture by sh1nob3 - Photobucket

I dont feel like wasting a large amt of time downloading video, but I like ran all over til I found him and then followed him and that was his tactic. Its pretty hard given Moh locate abilities, he was on top of a building weaving like a sniper and just mowing everyone down with the afghan heavy from the hip, I cant hit anyone with that thing lol. It wasnt even chain kills that got that score...

peace, happy halloween,


ps so I guess his name is Handsome and hed put the capt as gamer tag...
His name is Capt Handsome, and he has priors on Pbbans for using an aimbot. He was caught on BC2 under another alias: Noobiehere. I will inform my fellow staff members and have him banned from our servers, and ensure that he does not pester our player base again.

Thank you for taking the time to bring this issue to our attention, we appreciate it :)

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