Something is wrong with BF3


Registered User
Nov 27, 2012
I don't know if it is Aftermath servers in general, our Aftermath server, or maybe even just all of BF3... but...

3 days ago me and OffTheRails were playing in Aftermath and it sat at 11v11. Not a single person joined for the entire round of Conquest (Which is a long round). FAST came in the channel and asked if the round was almost over, because he was only getting a black screen with the loading icon on the bottom right - he said he heard the game, but nothing ever came up.

(And in the player stats, we never saw his name actually in the server)

So at the end of the round, he loaded a different map and then everything worked fine and the server quickly filled up!

Well, yesterday I encountered the same issue that FAST, and probably many more have - which is the black screen, I hear the game, but nothing comes up. sally came in Teamspeak, and he too encountered the same issue when he tried joining Aftermath, so he then went and played Armored Kill (Worked fine).

I brought it to the attention of a few people in TS, and one of whom, can't remember who, recommended I Repair the Install. Tried it - it said nothing was corrupted or anything, but then I tried rejoining Aftermath, and I got in, but, it was at the start of a new round. So since the repair claimed to fix nothing, I thought maybe the server changing maps allowed people like me to then enter it.

Now today, the server was just starting to get going, and I tried joining it, and same issue happened again. This time, I tried doing a Repair Install again, and still no issues, but this time I was able to then join the server successfully. However, it seems like again, nobody is getting into the server.

Seems kinda weird to me. I don't know if it's a server bug, or if it's a patch bug. I don't know if doing a repair every time actually fixes this issue, or if it's just a placebo effect since Origin claims it finds no issues.

Anyone else seeing this? I saw a few people post about it on Battlelog Forums, so I doubt it's just our server.
Yes quite a few are reporting this on BL forums and a few of our members have mentioned it to. It has to be a bug. There was a server patch recently, but I don't know if it addressed that issue. I personally think it's an Origin issue since there is a known issue with Origin that they will be fixing in January.
Yeah, it's what I've been saying too. Every day we have problems where people can't join the server. Something is fucked up and restarts are not solving the problem.
if people are reporting this, then it has to be a game issue but at least i know how to temp fix it when it does happen.
same problem on our server; i've tried a few different things; repair & run game as admin; sometimes it works and sometimes I restart my computer 3-4 times; eventually, it loads. If I get a mouse cursor, I"m fucked