

Soldier, test to something around 200mi away. Wherever your testing is like down the street.

To Los Angeles:


Columbus, Ohio

Meh, it still rapes. My upload speeds suffer at a distance so that one time every 3 months I upload a picture to Facebook I might have to wait 8 seconds instead of 3.
Holy shit Sid how do you even play with those numbers. No wonder your TV missiles were a little choppy/stuttering last night
He did a speed test above the ping tests.

Also I wish my speeds were as good as the ones I posted, but sadly I don't...I'm on the school comps right now.
Man, that's just sick. Some of the speeds you guys have. Just sick I say.... :(
Holy shit Sid how do you even play with those numbers. No wonder your TV missiles were a little choppy/stuttering last night

The new servers haven't been kind to me. I guess I need some help.
I can tell you that its not the servers as your main issue. That speed test sucks dude. What are you paying for 10/2?
Rogers Cablwe is an ISP? how much are you paying for that sort of speed. I could care less about UL speed.
Around 50 a month. If i cough up another 15 bucks i'll be able to get 1 MB up. Meh, don't fit my budget :)

Here is from another location :)