[ST:O] Current Fleet Project Plans


Mar 6, 2011
Alright for my first post.
Starbase - Today we gain back Military projects. The Starbase upgrade starts today. We are 2 cycles away from getting Engineering to its Tier 2 upgrade project and 3 cycles away from science.

I decided in order to keep Military going as fast as possible we will do one of each today and tomorrow and then the day after that Science will still need one more cycle before we can concentrate a bit heavier on Military if need be.

Starbase Upgrade Project Needs:
3,600 Fleet Marks
216,000 Dilithium
180 Non-Civilian Duty Officers
3,000 [Industrial Energy Cells]
1,625 [Self Sealing Stem Bolts]
50 Particle Traces

The 3 projects we are running tonight are:
Practice Tactical Exercises II
Theoretical Modeling Projects I
Engineering Construction Projects I

Embassy - We have a little over 3 days before the Tier 1 upgrade is done. We have no diplomatic provisioning yet. We are 3,600 XP away from starting the Recruitment Upgrade that will allow us to upgrade to Tier 2. There is no way to do this in less than 3 cycles.

So I plan 3 cycles of Provision Diplomatic Supplies and Perform Recruitment Drills. At the end of this we will have 15 of each provisoning in Diplomatic and Recruitment will be ready for upgrade following that is the Tier 2 upgrade.
Rain...how the fuck are not the CEO of a Fortune 500 company? Back to the topic at hand, the set up for the threads look solid and the email looks clear and concise. I made us public on the STO fleet forums, but I will have to update the thread with some of the stuff you sent me that looks like we could use. I believe we are looking good, but I want he others to weigh in as well. I might post a copy of our recruitment thread up here to see if you guys have any ideas or would just like to point out how my English is still at a 1980s third grade level.
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Hey 1980's 3rd grade level is leaps and bounds over today's 12th grade level
Alright next cycle of Perform Recruitment Drills on the embassy will get us to the upgrade project. However in a move to save us money in the long run I am going to run an extra round of it. As well as I tacked on the other Recruitment project that gives us 500 and will run an extra round of it. Both of those projects increase in price on the next tier so running one extra of each now will save us a bit of money. You will find this to be a recurring theme during the upgrade times.

Starbase continues the same. One of each project. The current Engineering project is the last we need, we have one extra scheduled. Next science will get us to T2 science and we run one extra of that as well. Upgrade projects will be stacked waiting for the starbase upgrade to complete. Engineering first. Science second.
Eh Minor miscalc. Thought the project that just went through would allow me to queue the Recruit upgrade. Well its 25,500 not 25,000. But other than allowing me to schedule an extra extra round of XP building missions it doesn't change the schedule. We have a 500 XP project rolling through before the Tier 1 upgrade completes so there is no delay in the upgrade cycle.

Engineering upgrade is queued on the starbase. The current science project is the last one needed. As before there is an extra queued. In the engineering slot I have queued a science provision project as to pick up a few provisions as this is the last chance to run any projects from that Teir.
Alright the dilithium mine is up.

Here is the plan. We are doing development to Tier 1 until it is done. Primary focus will shift to trade. This is because Tier 1 Dev gives us the MK12 Fleet Warp cores.

After that the consoles are probably of the most value. The plan would be to hit Tier 3 on Trade just after hitting Tier 2 on Development. I think this provides us with the greatest balance of immediate and long term reward for the fleet.

There is a nice reward on Tier 2 Dev bit Tier 2 and 3 Trade not only give us the consoles but they give us the Mining Dailies.


Alright the dilithium mine is up.

Here is the plan. We are doing development to Tier 1 until it is done. Primary focus will shift to trade. This is because Tier 1 Dev gives us the MK12 Fleet Warp cores.

After that the consoles are probably of the most value. The plan would be to hit Tier 3 on Trade just after hitting Tier 2 on Development. I think this provides us with the greatest balance of immediate and long term reward for the fleet.

There is a nice reward on Tier 2 Dev bit Tier 2 and 3 Trade not only give us the consoles but they give us the Mining Dailies.

Sounds like a good plan. Just patched and loading now. This game is going to grind me to death. :(
How much longer will it take to max out the embassy if we concentrate on it? Also can we get a spy report on SFOA?
We want warp cores and who cares about the embassy you need anything slot a provision project and get a fleet map invite to SRs T3 embassy.

Embassy? 2 months roughly if we finish every project every day. Its a dilemma but I think if you ask any fleet right now they're on the mine.
What asking questions? Stop being silly.

Its a tough call but out of it we get 2 mining dailies and a mission to refine over the 8000 cap plus a 15% discount on dilithium consuming projects.

Awesome warp cores and some crazy RCS and Tetraburnium consoles are along with that

We may hold a vote if you wish.
Some more details. We also get a Fleet Mark Discount and an Item/Commodity Discount on each stage. Basically going this before doing the embassy makes the embassy easier to do. The more we do before the mine the less benifit the mine projects are.

Anyways off to bed before i start saying some really crazy shit.