Star Citizen: Arena Commander Released!




It begins gents... and for what it's worth, the space sim is awesome. Wish i can swap out my yaw and roll axis, but even with that setback, I was able to get a feel for the Hornet. Even loved when getting damaged. The missing panels, the malfunctioning gimbal thrusters, the way the computer relays info to you. Hell, I even love the 3D HUD.

I've said it before and i'll say it again: If this is just the Alpha... I can only imagine what the beta would be like when it all comes together.
Bot, you realize you could make some ingame bucks if you created a mod for a set of balls for starships. I can picture a Bengal-class carrier with a set 4 decks across mounted underneath the rear docking bay.
Lol I totally should. And I'll make stickers of Calvin pissing on Vanduul.
Just tried the arena commander today pretty cool. Can't to wait to see the progression of the game!
Well I am all for this game after Purchasing the hornet F7C+ and played the dogfight module for like almost 2 hours last night! This game is going to be insane.
I have barely been able to touch this, but the little I did made me very happy with my F7C-M Super Hornet

Sent via Tapatalk carrier pigeon via Nexus 5.
I have barely been able to touch this, but the little I did made me very happy with my F7C-M Super Hornet

Sent via Tapatalk carrier pigeon via Nexus 5.

Bastard!! I missed the Super Hornet sale and it grates on me. I guess I will have to wait for an anniversary sale or get one in the PU once the game launches.
So was able to make it thru the first 3 waves and didn't die in the 4th, but the screenshots speak for themselves:

I'm redownloading the game. I made a Star Citizen channel. You guys who have it should hop on!