Started Downloading BF3!!


Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
Its ready to download, just update origins and your good to go.
2.5mb/seconds 1:10 minutes.
Get on it!
what version is your origin? Not working for me.

Actually it’s not working for me either all I can see it the BF3 beta icon, not sure what’s going on?

Just contacted support and requested they call me, let's see if they call?
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I was downloading it at about 450kbps but have now slacked off to 180kbps. I downloaded Origin last night and started my download a few hours ago. I had to log off and then back on for the download option to be available this morning.
For those not seeing this you need to update Origin. Also I believe this is just for people who have pre-ordered as mentioned above.
After speaking to Origin it was determined that my purchase somehow got tied to to a second account I had set up with them prior to ordering BF3.

Translated..My dumb ass was logging in with the wrong account credentials. :headbonk:
Soldier your speeds are crazy; but, that's what you pay for

Finshed & completed; too bad it failed that validation test :(
At least we can all start off at the same time as balls, but then again he will be lvl 50 in two weeks anyways..fcking boot!:)