Summer Concert/Album Season


Registered User
Apr 23, 2014
So what new Albums or Upcoming Concerts are you excited for?

I will be seeing Seether With Black Stone Cherry this month.

As Far as Albums, Seether has one in July, as well as Theory of a Deadman. Rumors circulating of new Shinedown, Tool, Chili Peppers. Becoming a bigger fan of The Black Keys, and they have an album Coming out.
fucking great. Artists with a sense of humour and a FUck You, this is who we are attitude!
I haven't been there to play. I took a group there as part of a program Field Trip. It's all of 7 minutes from my house.
My guy Jimmy owns that. His dad owns the house and the greenhouse on top of the hill. If you drive by the house there's a big Quonset hut along the road, 80' or so long. I put all new 5/4, rough sawed oak decking on it, built the soffits and prepped that big ass fucker for the roofing company. Took me and my guys like a month. That was a few years ago. Haven't been out there in awhile. There good people.
That's what I hear. Don't have any friends that are involved in it. And I certainly make a large target. Not sure how well I'd do, lol.
Firefly music festival in Delaware!! for the Foo Fighters!! fuck yeah! :D

Luke brian in lake placid shortly afterwards!
One of these days I will get to see the Foo Fighters in person! I saw their performance at Blizzcon a few years back, but that's nothing compared to real.