Taking Lancang Dam out of map rotation


Registered User
Aug 13, 2014
Would it be possible to take Lancang Dam out of
| AIR-MAPS CONQUEST | STATS | NO LAG | TBGclan.com | = rotaion? The map still stutters like crazy. Others in the server are reporting the same problems on that map as well. Its the only map in the whole game that still runs like bf4 just was released. Don't know if its just the map or if the server needs a reset. Thanks
the server seemed to be in need of a restart as on the previous map it was pretty much unplayable also. the water makes the map run like shit when the server is struggling. i just think it's a horribly designed map and would not mind if i never see it again.
the server has been running this weekend non stop without a crash or dying off. Probably does need a restart but I wouldnt go that far and say the map is causing to lag necessarily or the server can't handle. This would be memory leak with the game service (always been like this for most battlefield games) Box can handle plenty, unmatched specs in terms of gaming dedicated box