[Squad] TBG Yeho map has finally arrived


Registered User
Jun 3, 2018
Indeed, it's been a while in the making but since the release of the current SDK mods are fixed and I was able to release the mod. It's initial so only so much I can test and see just by myself. So when you guys get the time if you can subscribe so we can get a test going that would be great. Of course let me know if or when you find bugs so I can fix them and all that good stuff.

Map has been updated this morning. Fixed some things, removed some things and some balancing tries. Stuff is in the patch notes if you care that much. Again if you play on it let me know how it goes and what else needs fixes or improvements. Think between the next update I'll pretty up the hescos and stuff.
I played on it last night. Couple of thoughts.

Is the idea of the map to make it so it is like ww1 trench warfare? if so perhaps the map needs to be little narrower and some trees removed on Russia side near the middle, prehaps more trenches, I easily made it through the barricades on the one bridge and then shoveled down a wire and sand bag and drove logi to the other side . Over all it played well it was 8 v 8 for most the time, sure with more people it plays different.
Indeed, I'm waiting until we get more than one squad on one squad. Of course it'll be easy to get across then, not a lot of people to see you. I made it a bit easier on the sides to let a breakthrough happen. So it's not a constant meat grinder. At the moment it's just hard to tell since as above and you said, not a lot of people playing at one time. If we can get that going then I'll have a much better handle on how things go and what I can really change past graphic issues and things out of place. Appreciate the input, not pushing you aside but it's something to think about and watch if we can get a full scale match.
With the release of V13 today mods will be broken until cooked with the new sdk. So when that is out I'll push another update, and that will include some fixes I'm working on. It's taking a while as I've had a lot of personal stuff going on but work is getting done.