testing higher HZ for DICE

Still experiencing some occasional stutters. FPS stays the same at around 80 but still getting occasional flickers of lag. Confirmed by a few other TBG as well, but nothing nearly as severe as it was yesterday. It was definitely playable today.
Still experiencing some occasional stutters. FPS stays the same at around 80 but still getting occasional flickers of lag. Confirmed by a few other TBG as well, but nothing nearly as severe as it was yesterday. It was definitely playable today.

Which server?
im not sure fast I never had these issues now im getting red on all markers since the change. when it plays its nice but id say 70% time im rubber banding. lost prob 20 klls last round I played. I know we are just testing to help out so this is my feed back
40hz no fun for lockers; now hit registration is averaging 70% versus 84% at 60hz. I keep getting the low fps icon at 123-135 fps which is fucked
sixer... I turned off my config and it was giving me that at 200 fps. I think its buggy on their side.
Why does the cpu have to be below 50? Seems so low.. I mean I know nothing about servers, but all the cpu not being used seems like a waste.
When changing the tick rate on a server, is there some setting in the game's options that should be changed?
Just playing on Final Stand and the tick rate seems to add a little jigger to the game.
I wonder if Dice will be able to implement an update that allows servers to better handle the new stress? I know I read they were 'testing' and 'gathering information' about how servers perform...
From what I understand, it wont get much better from here, what you see is what you get, maybe a little improvement but that's about it.

If any gamer out there decide to buy a server with higher than normal tickrate 30 gonna be pricey that's for sure, takes up so much processing power to run. And most likely laggy since they dont have control of the machine like we do.
I can no longer play our lockers as I rubber band everywhere. I play on servers with the default with no issues just sayin and I know this is just a test
I havent experienced any rubberbanding since lowered from 60 to 40. Occasionally the bullets wont regisiter but that's about it for me.
From what I understand, it wont get much better from here, what you see is what you get, maybe a little improvement but that's about it.

If any gamer out there decide to buy a server with higher than normal tickrate 30 gonna be pricey that's for sure, takes up so much processing power to run. And most likely laggy since they dont have control of the machine like we do.

How much more will it cost TBG to continue running all of our servers at a higher than 30 tickrate & will we see a request for more donations? I'm good with the current recommended donation amount, but I couldn't afford to double it (for example)
we own our own boxes, so we run how we want given the capacity it can handle. I am referring to a joe blow who rents from a provider paying for pay per slot server on a shared box with other owners on the same box. We dont pay for servers, we pay for the boxes we own. That is going to be very expensive for them to run.
I thought Levelcap did a good job explaining some of the issues with high-tick-rate servers. He did mention the expense involved because certainly that is a consideration when you're pushing the servers so much harder.
I enjoyed lockers best at 60hz but I can sure see why 40hz is a good compromise considering the other maps involved.