I do really like the idea about "life experience" and incentive-based things getting people together. United they could shame the supremacists and eventually overpower them and maybe even get rid of supremacy but that has yet to be seen, it's a huuuuuge "if" but it's nice to think about. I don't always agree with the guy below but he does bring up an interesting point:
I read the comment about "no crime" in the 4th line of your first post,
@Snakebabies, and thought to myself that there would still be crimes and murders like fighting over loved ones (or even getting rid of someone who was once loved but is now hated), but I understand you're talking more about getting rid of monetary economics and not necessarily bringing in a utopia but working toward one right?
Just letting my mind wander...maybe with technology we could clone successfully and have them live longer than Dolly the sheep did, but I think humans would still be like "I want the original, I don't want the clone". Then who would decide who gets the original and who gets the clone? Who would decide who decides that? Well whoever puts that into place would be challenged on their authority because you don't mess with loved ones and get away with it easily. There are a lot of ethical questions too about cloning like what right do we have to clone someone else just to be with another person and what if the clone don't want to be with the person? Ya I'm coming up with more questions than answers so, anyways, moving on..
@ChromeLightsaber brings up good points about supply and demand and who decides what resources go where for what purpose, given that there would be no more currencies to decide that. The problem with trying to get rid of monetary economics is that there are finite resources. Sure we can space travel in hopes of getting more resources, but until then, we're stuck here and need a system. I don't really see free-for-all happening. Even when food has been given freely it has ended up getting stolen or sold instead of being distributed freely and evenly as intended.
Also China wouldn't easily forgive the debt the U.S. owes. Should they? For the good of humanity? Well it's easy for the U.S. to say yes. Even if Chinese leaders agreed, they'd probably be assassinated. There would no doubt have to be a world war before the venus project would get put into place. Also entities in current power wouldn't give it up easily. Things would have to get really bad first.
Maybe one day people will move to another planet and give it a try and only people who agree to the ideologies are allowed on the planet. I doubt that will happen or that I'll get to see it but eh I'll shaddap (for now).