The Tuk Tuk 2000!!


Registered User
Nov 10, 2008
||||||||||||The Tuk Tuk 2000!

Rules are simple:

1. Stay within the allotted course:

2. You may have up to 1 team mate in the vehicle in order to repair it

3. You may shoot other vehicles however, destructive and reckless driving is encouraged.(bonus points if you blow up a bridge with an RPG, push your opponent into a mine field, or run them off the road and into the water.

4. The 1st team across the finish line will be declared the victor.

5. after the race or as required you may utilize jeeps.

On March 13TH @ 8PM EST TBG will be hosting a BFBC2 night, where all of our members will be Racing against each other to promote team cohesiveness, explosive shenanigans and most of all, just plain old fun!
For the New Guys, Recruits and loyal supporters: As you know TBG has expanded tenfold in the last year, and has grown into the amazing gaming giant you love. We take pride in bringing our community the best in FPS gaming possible, especially the Battlefield series. True Born Gaming's empire was founded upon 2142 and has expanded too include great games like battfield bad company 2 vietnam and we are showing our commitment to excellence with a Fantastic new Racing event that you wont want too miss.

Want to Ram Balls2dawall off the road ?
How bout shoot Sixer with a RPG?
They will be there to show their skills at the Inaugural Tuk Tuk 2000!!!!

Come one come all for this explosive mayhem.

Want Access to this exclusive event?, inquire within by contacting our community manager Dirty-lex for access information.
how about winner get Sixer scalp for a hat? :-)

Hell no! I don't have any hair left on my head and you want the skin now too? Tell you what, I'll donate the pelt from my back instead and sign it to boot.
This is tomorrow Sunday the 13Th. It figures i would have my phone on 2010.
I wanna do this in RL with real guns. Then we shall see who is king.
I see you posting stuff Soulzz And xxRazor but you weren't there at 8h even 15 minutes after... Next time Razor Just try to be there at the good time and maybe few minutes before. So the beople who d'like it would a stay ;B
my 2 cents