Titanfall is my new game.


Registered User
Dec 27, 2013
So after playing the Beta on both PC and Xbox One I will be picking up Titanfall and playing the hell out of it, it is very cod like with the unlocks and challenges but in all fairness it is a great game for what it is and I am looking forward to release on march 11th.

Other shooters feel so slow by comparison now.
I'll be picking it up as well. I really had fun with it, and its a AAA shooter that I found myself consistently at the top of the board in.
yup. 20% percent off from gamefly right now. some feb promo code I can't remember.

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code is FEB20OFF

I am really considering buying. I wish they had a open beta for PC
code is FEB20OFF

I am really considering buying. I wish they had a open beta for PC

They did for anyone who signed up before the cut-off. Went from Monday to Wednesday night.
Yeah I purchased the game today, have not had much time on my PC, also bought south park stick of truth to bide my time.
I think i will be getting this is well. This game looks awesome and is a change from the games I have been playing lately. It would be Cool to get lots of TBG members into it. Have some more Good times <3 :P
I have bought this game. Beta was fun, maps were small and matches were short, hopefully they have options to increase tickets/players. 8 minutes isn't much time and 6v6 isn't the best.
I think the 6v6 is just about the right size for the maps.

On the length note, in that IGN article it notes that there will be a game mode where only killing pilots counts towards the points total - therefore resulting in longer games.
Well, yeah the maps are the right size for the 6v6, just wish there were bigger maps that allowed more than that.
That length fix would be nice. Spectres and Grunts didn't speed it up to much though, only 2 or 3 minutes.
I loved the frantic pacing, always moving, if you camp in this game you will be costing your team valuable points.

Thats what I think is the point of the bots to keep people mobile, bots equal easy fodder to rack up points in attrition plus the more you kill the quicker you get your titan on the ground.

Similar to LoL when you farm the mobs for gold.

This game did not change the genre of the cod style arena shooter it more or less fixed it from being a camp snooze fest.