TV This Morning


Registered User
Nov 27, 2012
So I turn on CNN to see what's going on. 1st is a shooting in Oregon then right to Iraq where a terrorist organization worse than Al-Qaeda or the Taliban is taking over major cities while US trained Iraqi's throw down their US weapons and flee, giving them access to weapons we gave them. Now the Iraq government wants us to help and our response its an Iraqi problem. Last up was the released army guy.

Turned that shit off I don't know why I bothered to even turn that shit on in the 1st place.

Our government is like a mental case I prescribe a straight jacket and rubber rooms for these jackasses.
Our president's desire to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan at all costs is going to cost all of us.
The legacy will be the same as Clinton, military decisions made to cover political scandal. The only difference is that Clinton was marginally less incompetent in his military moves designed to move past a political scandal. In the end the result will be the same for both, impeachment in the House. His pro weakened US military SecDef Hagel is testifying before Congress right now and pontificating political bullshit left and right. Our senior military leadership for the past 3 years is the worst in our history. He's actually saying this is something we've done in every war in our history, which is factually and practically a flat out lie. Like every single Obama scandal the answer is the same, "it's not perfect" when they do something horrible as if their action is almost perfect rather than almost without merit.
That administration is full of dipshits; way worse than Nixon administration by a long shot.