Unable to play BF3 on this server today, what has changed ?


Registered User
Aug 24, 2018
Started playing BF3 today and I am being kicked by an automated admin for having high ping 222, I was playing yesterday with the same ping without any issue as I have for years. Has a change been made that will now prevent me from playing on this server ?
Started playing BF3 today and I am being kicked by an automated admin for having high ping 222, I was playing yesterday with the same ping without any issue as I have for years. Has a change been made that will now prevent me from playing on this server ?
We did some work on some back-end stuff, nothing will have changed to prevent you from playing. We are looking into this now.

Appreciate the patience and sorry for the inconvenience.
Thanks for your quick response, much appreciated.
Unfortunately, same happening today

Kicked by admin High Ping.png
Apologies for being a pain, but I have not seen the TBC server up all day, is it down for maintenance ?
Apologies for being a pain, but I have not seen the TBC server up all day, is it down for maintenance ?
Adverse weather in Chicago is affecting datacenters related to us.

Excess snow is presenting a fire danger.