Upgrading Graphics


Registered User
Nov 27, 2010
So, anyways, some of you have seen me on BF3 lately (and been unfortunate enough to lose your tags to me already, Bob needs stop hiding) but I wish to upgrade me graphics.

Currently running a Sapphire 5670, which I'm running Auto settings (mix of medium / high) at 30ish FPS. I would like more FPs, at least 50 if not more. Cause I hate going one on one and losing the gunfight cause everything is so much slower for me lolz.

I was thinking of upgrading to a 6870, because thats kinda the maximum I can go in terms of $$$ right now. Thoughts?
I think this late in the game everyones gonna tell you to wait a month. The 7000 series is around the corner and even if you dont wait long enough for the lesser 7000 models to make it to market it should still mean a price drop. The unofficial reports are "claiming" the 7970 will perform like the 6990 which is a dual gpu setup and the 7970 is a single gpu card. Should mean great things for the 7800's or however they end up numbering the series.

But if you come across a deal take it. 6870 is eh for BF3 but its fine, Soulzz has one talk to him about it. Personally on a budget id grab the MSI GTX 560 Ti Hawk which is 950 core and usually hits 1Ghz for 265 bucks. Performs near stock GTX 570's and should put up a fight against the 6950 no problem and high is where it will be on settings. But if you want to stay AMD the time for AMD is right around the corner!
Also, don't forget you can improve your frame rates by turning off HBAO and antialiasing-or turning it down under your video options in game.
I can't locate a precise release date for the 7000 series....I see everything from October-December, to January - February.
You know me if there is a vehicle I'm usually in it. I'm sure you'll get my tags soon enough. On the vid card is there a reason you want to stick with AMD (ATi)? Does your board specifically require or have a feature for ATi? Nvidia is where its at right now, but that will change soon. With the coming release I'm sure there will be plenty of deals on the older cards until they're gone. I'm waiting till tax time myself to upgrade and it will be another Nvidia product for me. I'm hoping to pick up a 580 or something when the time comes.
Whenever they come out save your money till then. I could've waited till whenever they came out. But my computer couldn't wait anymore. I'll pick up another 6970 once the 7k's come out.
As I see very often on thread like this, some people always say that you can wait. Yes you can! And when it finally arrived, you can wait for the next one which will be much better lol !
I like better the way which you buy now and in few months or so you sell yours and buy a better one if you need to...
Its my 2 cents
Whatever you wanna do. I think I was just meaning wait till the next generation comes out so you can get last generation's top card for cheaper.
Whatever you wanna do. I think I was just meaning wait till the next generation comes out so you can get last generation's top card for cheaper.
It's not personnal Erik, and you're probably right but I think he can buy something way an off good for is needs now.
You know me if there is a vehicle I'm usually in it. I'm sure you'll get my tags soon enough. On the vid card is there a reason you want to stick with AMD (ATi)? Does your board specifically require or have a feature for ATi? Nvidia is where its at right now, but that will change soon. With the coming release I'm sure there will be plenty of deals on the older cards until they're gone. I'm waiting till tax time myself to upgrade and it will be another Nvidia product for me. I'm hoping to pick up a 580 or something when the time comes.

Newegg.com - ASRock N68C-S UCC AM3/AM2+/AM2 NVIDIA GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a Micro ATX AMD Motherboard
Thats my motherboard, I don't see anything about requiring AMD. It actually has Nvidia onboard....
I think I chose AMD cause the card was best at the price (remember that CryptKickR bought the card for me) I think I've seen Nvidia is more expensive. To give a budget..I have $200 to put towards this card, plus whatever I get from selling my old card.
What can Nvidia offer at that price range compared to AMD?

(it's also slightly nitpicky, all my computers until this one were based entirely off Intel / Nvidia chipsets....this is my first computer running off of AMD technology)

As I see very often on thread like this, some people always say that you can wait. Yes you can! And when it finally arrived, you can wait for the next one which will be much better lol !
I like better the way which you buy now and in few months or so you sell yours and buy a better one if you need to...
Its my 2 cents

I kinda tend to agree with you there.....I got a 5670 cause it was good enough to max what I had currently...(Crysis, Crysis 2.) I don't see the point in waiting for the latest, I'd rather just get what I need, then when something comes out that needs an upgrade...sell and repeat. I think thats my best bet, simply because I'm a budget guy and can't really afford to go for the latest just cause its the latest... I do need to call my local computer place at some point at see if they'll buy my current card and what they have in stock...
Here's my question. I know that there's been alot of complaints about Nvidia and weird graphic glitches, has Nvida fixed this with the latest drivers yet?

I'm looking at the GTX 560 TI. According to tests I've looked it can run BF3 High at 60 FPS.
That's the first I'm hearing of any issue with Nvidia cards. I've been playing BF3, Skyrim, Dead Island, and 2142 with zero issues running two GTX 560 Ti's in SLI.