US Supreme Court strikes down California law, says video games are protected as free


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Apr 19, 2009
US Supreme Court strikes down California law, says video games are protected as free speech

By Donald Melanson posted Jun 27th 2011 11:57AM


It's already been found unconstitutional by lower courts, and now the Supreme Court of the United States has finally weighed in on the infamous California state law that sought to ban the sale of violent video games to minors. In a seven-to-two ruling on the Brown v. The Entertainment Merchants Association case, the Supreme Court said that video games are indeed protected as free speech under the First Amendment, and noted that under the constitution, "esthetic and moral judgments about art and literature . . . are for the individual to make, not for the Government to decree, even with the mandate or approval of a majority." Inevitable, perhaps, but still a fairly historic day or the video game industry -- and one that we're guessing will be a bit more positively received than a certain other milestone involving violent video games this year. You can find the complete ruling in PDF form at the source link below.
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Supreme Court

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More kids calling Soulzz queer on Battlefield, awesome. Wait a minu-- Soulzz demands a recount! I kid, like their parents wouldn't just succumb to their whining and buy them the game anyways.
Shows you how fucked up people out here in Cali are, bunch of lunatics.
Californians really like having there freedoms taken from them..rephrase..they love it!!

The law concerned the freedom of minors to buy games already regulated in one form or another against them buying them. Exception being that most places sell Teen rated games to 17 year olds who by law are minors.

This while maybe a step in prohibiting the shit in games we play, had nothing to do with any of us at this time.
More like a bunch of Socialist Pussies.

not sure if that is related to being socialist. They are just being retarded. Just ask mommy and daddy to watch out for M rated games??? Make sure their kiddies are not busting people's melons and raping sluts in grand theft auto 4. {LULZ} Why make a law for it? DuH. But bottom line is that its not being passed as a law. So the cry babies can continue to cry. Don't worry another state will bring it up again most likely. Then we'll have the whole same sex marriage crap to compliment it jumping from state to state, like playing hop scotch ;D
like their parents wouldn't just succumb to their whining and buy them the game anyways.

I've seen that way too many times where the parent just buys it no questions asked.

Shows you how fucked up people out here in Cali are, bunch of lunatics.

Actually, the California law was trying to stop the sale of overtly violent games to under age kids and now the Supreme Court of the US has said a big Fuck You so now any kid can buy any "violent" game.

I understand and appreciate where the Cali law was coming from but it was unrealistic to think that people would abide by it or agree with it as far as the majority is concerned.
Then they'll be bitching later when the kid has violent tendencies. When they already had them before the game was bought and they'll blame it on the game instead of themselves.
When they already had them before the game was bought and they'll blame it on the game instead of themselves.

Sad, but true. Personal accountability? WTF is that? Nobody ever says, I was wrong or admits to shit anymore it's always my father, priest, dog, etc. abused me or I was conditioned to react this way. How about a simple "I fucked up"?
Sad, but true. Personal accountability? WTF is that? Nobody ever says, I was wrong or admits to shit anymore it's always my father, priest, dog, etc. abused me or I was conditioned to react this way. How about a simple "I fucked up"?

I Agree to a point,but A person should say " I fucked up, I may have not been raised right, but I still fucked up."

I do think that parents are to be held responsible to teaching what is right and wrong, but the actions are solely on the individual. There is a point on one's life when you figure out that maybe I shouldn't do XXXX cause it's wrong. And the only thing proven that violence does to little kids is give them nightmares.
I was watching horror and violent movies/games since I was 6 years old or younger. I came out fine. It all depends on how well you know your child. If the kid is acting a little violent after playing the game. Take the game away.
Sad, but true. Personal accountability? WTF is that? Nobody ever says, I was wrong or admits to shit anymore it's always my father, priest, dog, etc. abused me or I was conditioned to react this way. How about a simple "I fucked up"?


May we have another!

game set match
Many things have to change in order for that to happen:

Education system
Far better parenting
To name a few.
The main thing is parenting that's it. You have to actually pay attention to them not just saying you are when you aren't. Prime example were the kids from the Columbine shootings. The parents didn't pay attention to them. They snuck guns into the house and shut their doors when they were planning it. They were being bullied and their parents weren't doing anything about it.