Video: railgun round goes 4 mi after punching through steel plate


Registered User
Mar 12, 2008
Video: railgun round goes 4 mi after punching through steel plate

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I embedded it for you.

Wow that is some impressive ballistics. Wonder what it will do to some serious plate instead of that 1/4" I believe he said.
Hurray for the military industrial complex! Nothing like the chance of possibly spending a boatload of US dollars on something we have no need for (and this coming from me, a recently retired 23 year Army dude).
Hurray for the military industrial complex! Nothing like the chance of possibly spending a boatload of US dollars on something we have no need for (and this coming from me, a recently retired 23 year Army dude).

Hey just remember Railguns helped save us from the Fallen in Transformers 2 (yeah I know Optimus did the rest of it) but still they used the rail gun to get rid of the giant excavator...

( DISCLAIMER: Yes I'm being completely facetious about all of that)
Not to mention I felt compelled to ad my avatar to this thread
Hey just remember Railguns helped save us from the Fallen in Transformers 2 (yeah I know Optimus did the rest of it) but still they used the rail gun to get rid of the giant excavator...

( DISCLAIMER: Yes I'm being completely facetious about all of that)
Not to mention I felt compelled to ad my avatar to this thread

I should have noted that I'd be in favor of funding said rail gun if they'd use it on justin bieber (the event could be PPV to recoup some of the cost).
Where can i sign up to get one, ummm the rail gun not justin bieber.
does anyone else think that farstar's avatar looks like she needs a load on her face? just asking. Bing.
Very impressive. I am not sure even Superman could stop that projectile.