voteban system for TBG members only


Registered User
Sep 28, 2020
Yes , i mean the website members . Not bf3 TBG clan .
Max lvl + played 500 hours + TBG members can vote only
Good : avoid abusing + ban hacker a bit faster

if there are 5 TBG member newbies and 5 TBG member old players in game
in hacker case , newbie and old players will vote yes
in pro player case , newbie might vote yes , but old players will vote no . to avoid voteban abuse .

if there has no TBG members in game , leave things as now as we report to this forum .
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I mean. if its only TBG members then we would ban them anyway... As only TBG members have access to admin tools...
I don't think the demand is high enough for a system like this for it to be worth the effort of implementing it. Our report system works decently well and our discord always has people on it who can help, even in the wee hours of the morning. Not to mention appealing these bans would be a pain in the ass. No members around to give their input or provide context. We also require proof to ban for things like cheating and glitching, this system would bypass that and instead just go off majority vote of if a guy is cheating or not: and believe me, it's easy to convince 5 people someone is cheating even if nobody is doing so.
i mean let them can voteban those cheater who cheat obviously
EX flying , multi-RPG , Tugs-killer .

the rest suspicious , still need to reported in forum .
I am not too keen and any !voteban function. You get whackos that will be drunk or have a bad day.
Then they trend that shit. Then it become a troll fest. IMO
I like the way we do it as it is... My 2 cents
Report cheaters to the website for review. We investigate and prove that people are cheating before we ban. This is one of the things that makes TBG different than other groups.