Wargame: Red Dragon?

Orga Smic

Registered User
Jan 1, 2014
Anyone purchase this game yet? What is your input and how does it compare to the prior release? I am very new to this type of game and understand there is alot of learning to it. Can anyone offer any suggestions about this game?

Thank you for any input!!
I picked it up. I loved Airland battles. I've only played the Korean campaign so far, the campaign plays a lot differently. It's really hard, be prepared to have your ass handed to you until you really learn about what your units can and can't do. But if you like super tactical battles, this is for you. This is NOT a Zerg game, more units do NOT equal success, in fact, it usually ends up meaning defeat. For example, 4 helos w/ TOW launchers against one guy = 3 wasted missiles. Your units have ammo, and that really matters, since you have to deploy rearming trucks or FOB's. But if you're into that thing, totally worth it. It has fun COOP skirmishes too, if you get into it, let me know, we'll run a few battles.
I said screw it, it's only money and bought it. Maybe we shall hook up sometime PshychoScapegoat!!