I hate BFV and still I play it. It's a game designed for campers. Some like it. Cool, no problem. For me it's a complete let down. BF1 was horrible as well. BF4 has the perfect mix. I love it. It has something for everyone. Campers can camp. Ucavers can ucav. Snipers can snipe and those who love rushing can rush. It has it all. BFV doesn't have it. I love to rush, to push the objective, to go for it. I've been playing BF since 1942 and I'm able to play every style. My favorite style is pushing the objective. Going for it in BFV is suicide. So, it's back to camping. How boring! In reality, if the entire team pushes the objective in BFV it's over for the opponents. Yet, this rarely happens. BFV needs to adjust the TTD, in order, to free up players like myself who enjoy going for it. However, BFV has to many problems to over come. The area of operation is pathetically restricted as well. I think the game is trash and it can't be saved. Anyway, my clan mates in LiFe and SF like BFV. So more power to them. If others enjoy the game, than more power to them. Cool. Yet, for me, it's torture to play. Enough said.