[BF4] Weapon Setups


Bonk Stick Holder
Jun 25, 2021
Hey I was wondering what everyone likes to use on their weapons.

Assault - Bulldog - Reflex RDS | Tri Beam laser | Heavy Barrel | Stubby Grip
Support - M4 - Holo 1X | Target Detector | Suppressor | Stubby Grip
Engineer - M4 -Same as Support
Recon - GOL Magnum - | Rifle Scope 8X | Variable zoom 14X | Standard barrel | Straight Pull |

If anyone has any idea's for weapon setups or anything to change on these ones I would appreciate. Looking to try something new or have something else to have fun with ( no im not looking to stomp with the DBV-12 - I have all unlocks for it and kinda got sick of using it even though it is fun.
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im old, either dbv12 with frags, or the bow with poison and my trusty g36. I honestly get more kills with my defibs and knife.
assault: cz-805, holo with 2x magnifier, silencer or flash hider, angled grip. health pack/defibs. combat medic perk
engi: ak5c, ace 52 or p90 depending on map. attachments depend on map. repair tool & SRAW. anti-tank perk or mechanic depends on map
support: ak5c, acog, silencer, angled grip or a QBB-95 holo w/ angled grip. Usually ammo pack/c4 or ammo pack/smoke airburst.
recon: M39 EMR silenced w/ acog, angled grip, target detector. SOFLAM & spawn beacon. i dont even know what perk.

I run smoke grenades and the CZ-75 pistol w/ red dot, heavy barrel, lazer sight on every class.

I mainly play engineer and my loadout is entirely dependent on map but its mainly those 3 guns. I like a lot of the AR's and use all of em periodically. I don't like the lmg's much but the QBB is a headshot machine, I've had a lot of good round with it.

Favorite weapon in the game is easily the ak5c. Am comfortable with it on every single map. I used to use the AR160 a shit ton same with the G36C. I'm still adamant the G36C is a better mid range carbine than people give it credit for.
in the vast majority of cases the best setup for all weapons is the stubby grip and no barrel. for weapons with a high first shot recoil multiplier (FSRM) the heavy barrel is discouraged as it will accentuate the inaccuracy from it. for example, at range, you must miss 1 out of the first 3 shots. you can either pull sharply for shot 2 to hit it and then miss shot 3, or pull normally for shot 2 and miss it to hit shot 3. exceptions to the stubby nothing rule are:

AK-12, AKU-12, M4, M16A4, AN-94 - the mechanics of burst fire put the FSRM on the last shot of the burst instead of the first, so you get shot, recoil, shot, recoil, shot, insane recoil, but no more shots that will be messed up by it. the hbar should always be used on burst weapons

L85A2 and very low ROF weapons like QBZ, SAR-21, AUG, etc - the L85 has low recoil and low FSRM (1.7x) so it is very good with the hbar. same with virtually all of the low RPM weapons

FAMAS (and AEK if you're a chad) - FAMAS needs the compensator due to the high horizontal recoil and high ROF, so it is one of the few weapons that is more accurate with it than without it as horizontal recoil is random and cannot be accounted for. it's worthless at range to begin with so the spread penalties don't matter as much. the AEK is marginally better with the compensator albeit much harder to use

PDWs - PDWs should always use stubby and/or hbar when available

so something i see people use a lot is the heavy barrel and the angled grip. while on the surface this is logical, in reality it's not so optimal. first off the angled grip does not cancel out the hbar's penalty. let's use the ACE 23 as an example because it's what BF4 is balanced around. the heavy barrel increases vertical recoil by 30%, so instead of having .36 degrees of recoil it will have .468 degrees of vertical recoil. the ACE 23 has a 2.25x FSRM, so the first shot now has 1.053 degrees of vrecoil instead of 0.81. the angled grip reduces FSRM by 20%, so ACE 23 with hbar angled has ~0.84 degrees of vrecoil. so as we can see the angled grip does not cancel out the penalty of the heavy barrel. the angled grip also comes with 34% slower spread decrease, meaning that it will take longer for the weapon to go back to base accuracy. if we add this all up we get a weapon that is ironically worse at range, needing longer between bursts and still suffering from accentuated FSRM. overall it is not worth using over the stubby grip and no barrel, as the stubby grip virtually cancels out its own penalty of slower spread decrease.

the muzzle brake, angled grip, flash hider, compensator (outside of famas/aek), and suppressor are all not worth using due to their penalties and lack of benefit. the muzzle brake reduces vertical recoil which is wholly useless as vertical recoil can be compensated for. sure it by extension reduces FSRM but this is not worth it due to the increased spread increase. compensator is bad because most weapons do not have enough horizontal recoil to cancel out the penalties. the flash hider is entirely negative - giving you slower spread decrease for no benefit. the suppressor is pretty useless imo, making the gun significantly worse at range. although it can be useful on close range oriented weapons being used on close range oriented maps, like the CS5 and sidearms that have it on locker/metro. as previously stated the angled grip's benefit is so little and not worth the penalty.

With all of this said, this is my personal loadout for each class:

Assault - FAMAS (coyote, green laser, compensator, stubby grip), Glock (irons ;), hbar, laser), defib, small medkit, smoke
Engineer - AS VAL (coyote, green laser, stubby grip), 1911 (3x scope, heavy barrel), SRAW, repair tool, smoke
Support - RPK (kobra, hbar, stubby grip), 1911 (3x scope, hbar), ammo, C4, smoke
Recon - either the M4 (coyote, green laser, heavy barrel, vertical grip) or the CS5 (reflex, CS5 suppressor, laser, straight pull), 1911 (3x scope, hbar), T-UGS, C4, and smoke

(yes the M4 is better with stubby hbar but i prefer hbar vertical as it still works and moving accuracy is nice. it is only better than the M16 in moving accuracy so why not improve that further?)
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Attack chopper, tank, and AA...yes, I'm in vehicle whore anonymous
in the vast majority of cases the best setup for all weapons is the stubby grip and no barrel

equipping attachments based on statistical value: cringe
equipping attachments because they look cool: based