Website Change Log

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Mar 6, 2011
I have been meaning to do this. We will announce site changes here.

Tabbed New Posts on front page can now support 5 tabs like XF1.5
Old Donations Imported
When the site was updated to XF2 back in 2019 the developer didn't import the donations from the old plugin. I have imported all the XF1 donations and I believe this also historically includes the donations from vB4 as well dating all the way back to 2011.
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Cleaned Up Installation
Xenforo 1.5 era files removed. Cleanup of orphaned database entries still underway but mostly done.
Leftover Xenforo 2.x and Addon Files cleaned up.

If I had been around for the major upgrade in the past this is definitely a step to have taken. Old files on the server pose potential vulnerabilities. Unlikely but still possible. Tens of thousands of files less on the webserver also means backups and restores should take less time.

Upgraded Forms Plugin

vBulletin Thread URLS redirected

This has been down for a long time. Old links to threads prior to Xenforo now work again. Occasionally you will find a link to a thread in an old thread and it didn't work. As well as old external links on other sites. It's been many many years and this is less of a problem than it was.

Facebook Widget
Switched from the Xenporta FB widget to a stock html widget. This has been unreliable for some time. Hopefully this works better.
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