What do you play when not TBG'ing?

Love playing SC. We should play together who ever has it.I also do gears of war with friends, Hyrule Warriors, zelda games, kingdom hearts, killing floor, sims, myst replays, subnautcia and more
I get down on old school classics from emulators, pso2, as of late squad and fallout 4. Usually watching tv shows/movies/porn if im not able to sit down and play a game.
I saw that Farm Sim 2015 was $7.50 so I just bought it. Always wanted to be a farmer. See you out in the fields! P.S. Wish more of you assholes played SQUAD!
yea thats what i do among a few other games


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Been playing the FUCK outta some PvZ:GW. Eagerly waiting for GW2!!! My wife got me Civilization: Beyond Earth for my B-day, plan on installing on my next day off
Been playing the FUCK outta some PvZ:GW. Eagerly waiting for GW2!!! My wife got me Civilization: Beyond Earth for my B-day, plan on installing on my next day off
It's a trap! You will not sleep for a week
Hero's of the storm and blops 3 (hardcore only) have been my go too. Playing some of the division beta this weekend.

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First off, Holy shit its @sylca024!

I have gotten myself deep into teh League of Legends. I've been having fun climbing, which I never thought I'd say. http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=bungied2thetree

The new Tomb Raider is fun. Playing Co-op games as they come out. That and I've put myself back on the dating scene. The hardest game of all.

<3 @Bungied2theTree It's been awhile since i touched LoL I do enjoy heroes of the storm cept im usually waiting a good 5 mins til game time. Not only that i get paired up with another group who either has more tanks and a healer or more dps and a tank oppose to my team with the disadvantage of maybe having a crappy specialist or not enough dps or no healer.

p.s. eeew alistar where is my gems yo
still rollin


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