What forum features and changes would you guys like to see?


Mar 6, 2011
This goes for our public regulars as much as members as we all use the forum in the same way. As I evaluate other forum software I come across some of the things we would like to have even if we stay with vBulletin 4.2.

Right now if we transitioned to newer or other forum software we don't have a lot to lose. We don't have a gallery and the majority of our plugins don't have a lot of data worth saving. But as we move toward using something like a gallery we have to realize it can anchor us as portability is often non existent.

I'd like to see a gallery that not only fits the forum design well but blurs the lines between post attachments and gallery uploads. I'd like users to be able to share gallery images in post easily. I would also like users to have the option to display post attachments in their gallery.

VBulletin 4.2 doesn't have a native gallery and fast has tried out a couple plugins before. vBulletin 5 does and IP Board too but Xenforo which I'm hopeful for where they will be next year doesn't either.

Proprietary Administration [/ B]
I've promised Soulzz I will code some solutions that in some cases will not be available at all. Coding and relying on these plugins means sticking with whatever platform I code them for until they can be rewritten again.

One solution which might be available is something to manage ban appeals. To mark them as resolved and keep track of those still in Limbo. I saw something in practice love at W Clan similar to other thread management plugins but a custom solution isn't hard. Also I requested was something to track issues in general and mark them resolved or not. Things like problems with servers etc.

The first custom solution I'm working on is something to help manage our recruits. A system the eliminates using threads and Soulzz Google docs or makes any mention of paper work history. The interface will highlight new applicants and when they're trial is done a click will set their user group and start a counter. We will know when their 30 days is up and easily be able to extend it with a recorded reason if needed.

Our current theme is approaching 2 years old now and is based on our vB3 theme so it might be a bit stale now. Even if we set a long term goal to move off vBulletin 4 we will likely refresh the banner to represent our wide support of games including BF4.

I'd like to see input from the members on the theme. Our friends over at 47 Ronin Squad have moved to an overly blue theme and our frienemies at LKG have one too. I'd like to avoid that trend like the plague. TBG has a clean and unique look which for me made me want to come here instead of somewhere else and I hope to see our next look be that way. Personally I like metallic textures and colors like black and silver etc. I think real color can be brought out not only in the banner but little details around the theme.

Anyways let us know what you want out of the site so we have more than just a few ideas going forward.

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Definitely need a clean look, maybe less going on in the banner. Gallery would be nice. Management plugins are good as well.
I'm pretty happy with the way things work now Rain. After all the hard work you guys put in to make it this way it's going to be a shame to start all over again. A new look wouldn't be a bad idea, but as to exactly what new look I am not that guy..lol Whatever you guys come up with I'm sure it'll work out well.
After all the hard work you guys put in to make it this way it's going to be a shame to start all over again..

The thing is we could stay on vBulletin 4 for years or we could move on to something that has a future. The upgrade to the downright hated vBulletin 5 is a 100% loss. Its the exact same boat as converting to another software. Users, Forums, Posts, Private Messages will all make the conversion pretty much anything not listed gets abandoned.

I have a minor amount of work in myself at the moment. Most everything else doesn't matter. Any time we near thoughts of getting a new theme we will start re discussing our future use of the software. We have a plugin that while up to date is on an expired license so when it comes time for that critical security update were talking more money than new forum software that actually has some of that plugins features out of the box. Makes sense to think over yeah? The bigger issue for me is the work into custom plugins and or customizing available ones.

Xenforo is one of the 2 main options we are looking at. But its very new and i think the 1.2 release thats coming this year will be the first release thats a real threat in the market. Until then I have no choice but to put it off.

One important aspect of a forum for users is the look and feel. Ive said it 100 times we can theme any forum to look and have the layout of any other forum software. It wont change some of the behaviors and it wont touch the core functionality. But if the buttons are in the right place and the design is intuitive the change wont disturb your users. Some themer actually took the time out of his day to make Xenforo look like vBulletin 5 Connect - http://personal.erodov.com/vijayninel/images/xdc1.jpg But im still searching for someone who has made Xenforo look like vB4 and hell might be a good place to start theming from :p

Pretty much every discussion we fall back to sticking with 4.2 for a couple years and updating the theme.

47 Ronin made the jump as Ice Wolf has been testing the software much earlier than most (before and after the lawsuit) and I think when 1.2 is out they will love it http://www.47r-squad.com/forum/ . However XenPorta and other solutions are not as flexible as vB Advanced yet. Possiblly meaning I would need to do work to make it suitable for us. Not ideal at this time. I hope they or someone gets a good portal going. IP Board portals do not impress me either.
when some one likes your post, if the link you click would take you to the post thatd be great.

I covered this yesterday in another thread. However that as specific as you say could never happen. What happens when you have 2 likes?
admin shoutbox.

You mean a chat box on the admin page? If so we could do that. Not sure how many people would see it though. Great for quick communication but it wont work for anything essential. We could do one on the main page only visible to admins however I think there would be a problem if someone confused the two?
You mean a chat box on the admin page? If so we could do that. Not sure how many people would see it though. Great for quick communication but it wont work for anything essential. We could do one on the main page only visible to admins however I think there would be a problem if someone confused the two?
the colours could be different, i.e. make the admin one bright red
I'd love to see a "remember me" checkbox at the "quick login" at the top of the page. That's right, I want the forum to NOT remember my login... I'm weird, don't judge me.
I'll look into it. I can't remember if that's in the default vb4 theme but it was in the vb3 theme.

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I'd love to see a "remember me" checkbox at the "quick login" at the top of the page. That's right, I want the forum to NOT remember my login... I'm weird, don't judge me.

Just log out instead of closing the window?
Fast its no worries though we just have it checked by default and weirdos like heat can unchecked it. I do believe though if you manage to find your way to the VB login page its there though. Just not in the quick login.
Yeah, but the checkbox saves me a click... It's probably the smallest issue ever, but still it would be nice to have :-D .
Block one word posts. Someone is very guilty of that*cough*Soulzz*cough*

one question would be how you want to do it. The character requirement is easily bypassed. You can get past say the 10 char limit with only 2 characters. Type one letter then a bunch of spaces and a period. The spaces count and then get stripped from the post. Failure by the coder but funny none the less.