Who's Ready for Vietnam?


Registered User
Dec 10, 2010
Anyone who has pre-ordered the Vietnam expansion pack for Bad Company 2 can begin playing tomorrow, the 18th ( if you can find any servers running it by then. ) Otherwise you have to wait until the 21st for it to be available everywhere else. Actually, it's already installed on everyone's system from the last big update from about a week ago. You just have to purchase the redemption code to unlock it.

I had to wait until the last minute today to pre-order mine, so I won't get my redeem code until sometime tomorrow ( I just love how I order things for instant download and then have to wait 24 hours for my download!) But I'll still be able to fill the weekend with the new expansion pack. But some people might be playing as soon as midnight!

Is TBG going to be kicking off a Vietnam weekend or what?
most likely

I just want to cook everyone in my sights. Make it all you can eat buffet of man-meats hot and fresh ready to go. Sixer and balls know what I am talking about when i say man-meats:D
how about the we give someone a BBQ logo for 30 days to the person that gets BBQ'd. first person to roast a TBG member and posts a Video or screen shot of that member roasting we can give that person a BBQ logo next to their name. it could say something like "i was roasted by"

what'ca think
just another thought about this. is a set start time maybe so people have time to download install what ever. like 12::00 to 1:00 CST.
i got an exam tomorrow at 9 am on a fucking saturday baby no can do tonight. :(
I'll be working tomorrow until 6pm, but I'll be on at night. BarBq you bitches later!