Win 10 Icon Issue

St. Tru the Sardonic

Registered User
May 4, 2017
Ever since the last update came out last week, the icons on my desktop get randomly shuffled everytime I login. To the point where it is creating spaces that don't even exist. Using sort easily fixes the issue, but if I hit refresh again right after that it immediately shuffles them with gaps. Anyone else having this issue?

Who the hell is still using Vista?

My gaming laptop still runs Vista. I don't really game on it much. But it's still more powerful graphics wise than most laptops under 700 until maybe this year.

Why stay on Vista? I benchmarked the fuck out of 7 on it and came up at best a 1% difference. For that no difference I lose my OLED display that reads out vitals. My one touch overclock and control of the custom lighting. Not worth it lol. I threw 10 on it recently but couldn't turn on either of my wifi cards. Yes it has 2 lol. Blame Asus wmi drivers. Their power management is super proprietary. I should know. I wrote replacement drivers for this laptop before.

Windows 7 purely existed for marketing purposes. At it's core it's Vista with a service pack. They changed a lot visually to sell it as a new product. But them not fixing certain issues that are to this day still there... Pure neglect. They were not only afraid Vista fixed wouldn't sell, they we're afraid if they fixed Vista, 7 wouldn't either.