
wow nice demo there aura. im reteaching fast how to submit demos :D its being submitted now though
Aye, saw the post at PB bans. Nice one guys :) Mind, it's taking UrGonnaDie up to a week to review demos. He does it for free in his leisure time so he does his best I suppose.

Nice little rcon tool I found on t'internet for speedy disposal of knobs: http://www.6sgc.co.uk/codrc.exe
:D now just go easy on me with your type 100 :p

yea he had trouble reviewing the demos for some reason hopefully he got that fixed so we can get the cheater in our toybox :))))))))
there was someone else helping him out for a bit with cod demos
Hehe, aye, Hano got me onto that thing. I'm always on TBG server when it's late in the day/early in the morning whichever way u wanna look at it :D Past my best and really miss my 32ms UK ping :\

Still a cracking server, getting to know a few folk now, good place to be :)

Kite has just started COD4 reviewing, I asked him if he was going to be doing COD5, he said not yet but maybe ;)
awesome. its fun to be able to record demos and get them added to the MBI like this.