Console = limited gaming.
PC = full gaming experience, no bullshit, no shenanigans.
I would have to both agree and disagree with that.
I really don't like consoles all that much (for games). There
are definite gaming limitations on consoles: the thumbstick would never match the precision of a mouse, oddly placed buttons, too many buttons/triggers.... and frequent use of that bulky, poorly designed, overstuffed contoller is Carpal Tunnel just waiting to happen. This is why I don't do FPS games on consoles (or really any gaming these days). Unless you like low-intensity gayness, like RPGs, there's not gonna be a whole lot you can do for gaming. But, for the games I do play, I do have an HDMI out to my 46" Samsung and an optical out to my 5.1. So yeah, PC= Full gaming experience - but I think my Xbox has about a 3/4 gaming experience. Oh, and I don't have to upgrade hardware either - the games are built around the box.
Obviously, PCs are superior in every facet of gaming - there's no disputing that..ever. However, There
is an assload of bullshit and plenty of shenanigans on the PC - anyone remember 1.51? If we all had a dollar for every time someone hacked a game, hacked an account, a game crashed, we got a virus/worm/.... we'd all be the wealthiest of gamers with top-of-the-line rigs. As soon as a game is released, there are vultures out there who are only concerned with breaking the code and coming up with a hack (for both console and PC). It's also the time when we, the consumers, get to be Guinea pigs and find all of the bugs that the developer didn't. I think we've all played at least 1 game where we just knew there wasn't whole lot of effort in the development phase.
Both the console and the PC have their own particular set of issues and limitations, but it's a rather bold statement to say the there's no bullshit or shenanigans with the PC - it's quite the opposite.