Yo TBG'ers!


Registered User
Nov 27, 2010
Hey fellas -

It's been a while since I've rocked the BF:BC2 scene with ya'all. My old AMD clan mates and I played a lot of BF3 together when it was released. However, recently, the few AMDers that are left have decided to play Borderlands, so that leaves me clan-less.

Is the password to the Teamspeak server still the one that begins with 'N', or did you change it?

Yeah were still using the racial slur for the server password j/k. Nah only thing thats changed since you have been gone is the ip.
Hey jvp. Do any racing this year? Nice to see ya back.
Hey jvp. Do any racing this year?

In fact, I was on the track just this past Friday.

Friday at the Track - 10/12/2012

And yay me: one of the track officials actually approached me after the first session and basically asked me to slow the fuck down. Um. Really? Guys? We're on a race track in the Advanced group, and you want me to slow down?


LOL still would love to do that. Why so many slower cars in the advanced class? You'd think they would separate the classes according to vehicle ability as well driver.
Why so many slower cars in the advanced class? You'd think they would separate the classes according to vehicle ability as well driver.

It's a good question Bob, and one I'm not sure I can answer. I've been to other events that also last a whole day, and they have more classes available including a super-fast "Race" group. But for whatever reason, the folks that run this specific event have decided to just split people up into "beginners" and "not beginners".

I'd actually be OK with slower cars out there, as long as the drivers were more aggressive and capable.

Clanless? No better time to apply Jas

I'm honored you'd offer Lex, but for the time being I'm going to pass. I still belong to a very ollllld gaming clan from the Soldier of Fortune 2 days (Clan AMD, for what little it's worth). We're a shell of our former selves at this point; there are too few of us left and the rest of them are playing Borderlands 2 right now. If they ever tug my leash though, I'm going to join back up with them and rock the Battlefield.

That said, I've always enjoyed playing with ya'all and will continue to do so. You have my $upport and I'll be around to make sure the servers stay seeded and populated.

..and to get TK'd by Bobby.
