Your 18m MOH server this morn streak


Registered User
Oct 25, 2010
I had a good game and frapped it bein lame using the sniper bldg in assault.
FINALSCOREFROMSNIPERCHAIN-newbest.jpg picture by sh1nob3 - Photobucket

couple of other games
usualscores.jpg picture by sh1nob3 - Photobucket
usualscores2.jpg picture by sh1nob3 - Photobucket

I am not in the habit of cheering on my own "Awesomeness", or, "mediocrity" would be more accurate. I am just gettin a little video and photo file proficiency with the purpose of "snatching the penny from the hackers hand" if need be...

I do like MOH a lot and I have done extensive runs in bf2 and 2142 so my alternate purpose is to show off the game a little and speak for it. I really like the realistic feel of the kills, I have been long annoyed at the difficulty in bf 2/2142 to kill like 3/4 people, say if u flank them or come up behind them, in moh u can mow down a squad with a couple bursts which is pretty cool...

ty for your time,
haha nice arty there. right on the snipers/spawn point lol. i like sitting on that building with spec ops. went 40-11 one round and 35-6 the second round.