

Ban Manager/Moderator
Apr 19, 2009
I doubt if this guy remembers me, but I remember him from 1942 days. Was doing the same shit then. Incredible RPG shooting...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xssFWZHyi38" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I don't care how many shots v kills with the rpg, you have to admire that shit.
He'll keep at it. May take him forever, but he'll keep going.
I'm still calling shenanigans unless his friends are flying the enemy aircraft, he's not even aiming in and some are hitting vehicles that turn after he shoots. I'm also curious whee I can find these A-10's? Would turn me into a flyer immediately. Pretty cool video either way.
The Rush maps have them. Rush Firestorm, and Kharg I know for sure.
I'm still calling shenanigans unless his friends are flying the enemy aircraft, he's not even aiming in and some are hitting vehicles that turn after he shoots. I'm also curious whee I can find these A-10's? Would turn me into a flyer immediately. Pretty cool video either way.

Only time I get RPG kills on aircaft is when someone gets dumb enough to fly in a straight line or develop a predictable pattern. Throw in a little trigonometry and their dead. Damn near the same guessing as taking down aircraft with tank shells.

Both of which I never seem to have my recording loop ready to capture.... FML