X-Marine5 Oct 27, 2021 QUESTION .....is there a day when WE'RE all on the same team in a server ? that would be great I feel stranded at times even though I'm on one of the squad servers....SEMPER FI
QUESTION .....is there a day when WE'RE all on the same team in a server ? that would be great I feel stranded at times even though I'm on one of the squad servers....SEMPER FI
K K karman3c Irish karman3c wrote on Irish's profile. Oct 14, 2021 Hi, not sure if I'm writing this in the correct place but could you let me know how long I'm banned for? Cheers.
Hi, not sure if I'm writing this in the correct place but could you let me know how long I'm banned for? Cheers.
X-Marine5 Oct 6, 2021 MAN it sure would be nice if we all coordinated our firepower and deployments together on the servers ....but we still kick ass !
MAN it sure would be nice if we all coordinated our firepower and deployments together on the servers ....but we still kick ass !
S S Samhan1 St. Ides Samhan1 wrote on St. Ides's profile. Sep 9, 2021 Hey, just an FYI its still kicking me for the ban when I try to join TBG All Conquest, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Hey, just an FYI its still kicking me for the ban when I try to join TBG All Conquest, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Lucky2Stump LeFreeze Lucky2Stump wrote on LeFreeze's profile. Aug 27, 2021 Ban This guy. Why I am the only player that gets banned for no reason lol.. this guy kills people with a drone.
Ban This guy. Why I am the only player that gets banned for no reason lol.. this guy kills people with a drone.
X-Marine5 Jul 30, 2021 HAS'NT BEEN GOING WELL with my myeloma lately but I'm GOING IN TODAY SEMPER FI
Hehehehe Irish Hehehehe wrote on Irish's profile. Jul 11, 2021 Good fellow doing quick work and gets to the point! :thumbsup:
S S simple11 Jun 20, 2021 PC: https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf4/stats/pc/simple11 PS4: https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf4/stats/ps4/mattM_-
PC: https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf4/stats/pc/simple11 PS4: https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf4/stats/ps4/mattM_-