Double xp for a week! (why, oh why!!?!)


Head Admin
Head Admin
Jun 21, 2011
July Double XP event
What: Double your net score after every round
Who: All players
When: July 2-8 for Premium members, July 2-4 for non-Premium members
Starts: 00:01 PDT/07:01 UTC July 2
Ends for non-Premium members: 13:00 PDT/20:00 UTC July 4
Ends for Premium members: 23:59 PDT July 8/06:59 UTC July 9

Battlelog link

IMO this is too often... but then again, might be the last double xp ever
This is a pretty shitty thing to do to all the players who played their asses off to make 100 colonel on the up and up.
IMO this is too often... but then again, might be the last double xp ever

You know there is a year long schedule posted :p Premium Double XP's are once a month. This does not include Double XP's for regular players.
It's so everyone can feel warm and fuzzy about reaching the highest rank quickly. All this has done is kill the game imo. What is left for the average player to work towards after this? It's just speeding the demise of the game while making players feel better about themselves. I guess everyone needs a big epeen.
It's so everyone can feel warm and fuzzy about reaching the highest rank quickly. All this has done is kill the game imo. What is left for the average player to work towards after this? It's just speeding the demise of the game while making players feel better about themselves. I guess everyone needs a big epeen.

100% of the idea is to get people on and play. Your friends play, you buy the game and play it too and thats how they see it. Dice announced before the game even came out their focus was on beyond rank 100. That reaching maximum rank is "Just the start". Apparently we are supposed to care about all the Medal, Ribbons, Bows and fucking candy!

Of course all rank does is cause people to whine and cry how this team is stacked or how people have no life. Rank = time played for the majority of people. My skill wont change between now and 100, though dice's rating of my skill might.
Beyond rank 100-yeah, okay I've seen them move in that direction. Maybe if they're speaking of rank 145 being a rank 100 colonel then sure, but so far that fanfare is pure BS. And you're right it won't change the skill or how the majority of players play but it will make them feel better about being able to reach rank 100-but who cares is what I'm saying. If you enjoy the game then play, if it takes shit like this to motivate you to play then go the fuck away because you don't want to play to begin with.
All the double xp weekends in the world won't be enough to get me to 100.
The point is to get most ppl colonel 100 so they can sell next battlefield better because everyone got all shit in bf3 is unmotivated and so on...
I'm 3 mil over rank 100; the 2x XP really didn't help me a lot; but, the new weapons and assignments make me play long time. btw, your a hacker if your level 100; at least that's what I've been told.
I'm 3 mil over rank 100; the 2x XP really didn't help me a lot; but, the new weapons and assignments make me play long time. btw, your a hacker if your level 100; at least that's what I've been told.

Make a list of the people who say that, when they reach 100 we will ban them.
I don't know if I like this or not. I agree with it sucking because it brings out the hackers and such. I also agree that it is not fair to those who worked so hard to gain Colonel and higher. At the same time I like it cause shitty players like myself who do try hard to get points get a break. So I just don't know.