Government at it's best


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Honorary Member
Oct 14, 2008
Look at the cost of a can of chew in Canada; It's bad for you so we are going to jack the price 1000%. This is what our government is heading toward. Coal is bad, lets shut down the industry; this type of thinking is not American.


"FREE" .............
What is free? What actually makes something "free"? The monetary system? Honour? Community? Respect? Lack of a monetary system?
It's not a got anything. You're the ones who pay for it one way or another, not me. Your gas is ridiculous too.
How big a bag of lifesaver gummies did you buy? Thats what you get for buying Skoal.
Just send the money to someone in the states and have them mail that shit to you. 20 dollars is rediciculous. I pay like 2.50 a can.
Cans were going for $25 when we were stuck in Africa for 2 weeks longer than expected.
How big a bag of lifesaver gummies did you buy? Thats what you get for buying Skoal.

Normal size you see at a gas station; my secretary says her brother who lives in Canada, loads up on goodies for their kids because it's bad for you. Canada taxes the shit out of the stuff that makes life enjoyable. Other than that the people are great, eh!