If you want to get into canning, look for a cheap Presto 32 quart (not sure what that is in metric) pressure canner. They might make smaller than that if you think that is too big.
We use ours to can various meats in glass mason jars. We have done boneless chicken thighs, pork roast, beef roast, beef and pork stew meat.
Just cut them up into small chunks, removing as much fat as you can. Fill it up to about 2-3 fingers from the top, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of canning salt on the top. Put the flat lid and retaining ring on top, fill the canner pot with water as per instructions, follow the rest of the instructions to get everything up to temperature and pressure. Depending on your elevation, depends on the amount of pressure and time to cook. At our elevation, its 10lbs for 90mins. Then just wait for it all to cool.
The awesome thing about canned meats is that you do not have to refrigerate. You can save space in your freezer for other things. Just leave your jars on a shelf at room temperature. And if you want a quick meal, just saute some onions in a pan, open a jar and dump all the meat in the pan. Break it up into chunks and basically warm it up. Eat it like that next to rice or make sandwiches.