whats the specs on the monitors you want to run??? (i see you have them picked out)....this will factor in to a lot of things in setting up the system
1...as for CPU's go AMD....intel is just not worth the money right now when you look at everything AMD has to offer.....as RAIN said the 3800x would be killer to start with but it may not be needed (and you could be able to put that extra 200 bucks in to a better GPU if you go with something like the ryzen 5 3600)....the 3800x is only 10% better at gaming then the stock 3600 but there is 200 bucks between them on price!...if you want to stream your gaming the 3800x will be the better option...not streaming stick to the 3600 and dont get the X version...its only 5% better at gaming then the stock 3600 but costs 60 bucks more...NO MATTER WHAT AVOID INTEL
2...memory....the 3rd gen ryzens love faster memory and even see improved performance running higher speeds....start at the 3600mhz mark for your memory speeds.....16gb is the min and NEVER buy a single stick always make sure its 2 sticks to get dual channel memory working on the CPU.....32gb would be nice but again gaming at 1440p myself i never see anything over a 12gb load on my system.....32gb will future proof you BUT you maybe able to get away with 16gb of a faster memory now and get 16gb more at a later time....right now a 16gb 2 stick set of 3600mhz will set you back about 80 to a 100 bucks even getting RGB lighting on them.....
3...motherboards....read reviews and check many sites to see what their really saying in places like Tom's hardware or even youtube videos from people like "linus touched tips" (hehe....its a joke its really linus tech tips).....spending a little extra on the motherboard to get a 570 based motherboard over a 470 board will make it last longer as it will have CPU support going farther in to the future then a 470 board(simply put a better motherboard now means you can upgrade CPU's down the road without changing boards or even reinstalling windows)....also remember that the form factor ITX, mini ATX and full sized ATX will factor in to your case you must buy.....ITX can cost a lot of money and be cramped to work with do to its small size....full sized ATX motherboards might give you a case to big for your liking....mini ATX might not give you all the options you want so look around and look hard....no easy answer on this....new motherboards come out almost everyday
4...power supply.....Seasonic, EVGA and corsair are the only 1's i would ever look at.....and i am bias towards EVGA's super nova line simply because they come with a 10 year warranty from a company that has been around for decades.....do not cheap out on the power supply....its the 1 thing that can fry your system if you get a cheap 1.....its worth the extra money here as you will keep this part for many years (my current 750watt EVGA super nova is 7 years old and has been in 4 total PC's builds)....if its not broke dont fix it!!! and get at least 750watt as the extra power maybe needed down the road
5...SSD drives and storage.....for speed you want to make sure you get a M.2 PCI-E 3.0 X4....the X4 is a big factor as its using 4 PCI-E lanes....there are options for X2 that only use 2 PCI lanes but they are slower.....speed here will cost you....i would go with a samsung 500gb main and then buy a slower Intel M.2 1tb drive for storage.....samsung is running 3500mb a second read speeds BUT to get a 1tb drive at this speed its 220 bucks.....the 500gb is only a 100 bucks most days....the intel 1tb storage drive is 120.....the intel reads at 1800mb a second so its still 3 times faster then the best SATA base SSD drive on the market...NO harddrives unless you need music, movies and file storage were a slow speed wont be a factor
6...case.....to me i never go crazy on buying a case....i bought my coolermaster 922 used for all of 25 dollars years ago and it still hold up just fine being powder coated (but i do wish i had front panel USB 3.0 ports) you should be able to find a good case for under 75 dollars.....50 on sale
7...the graphics card....well this is were the monitor meets the road....this will be factored mostly by the monitor you want to run with the resolution being the first factor followed by the refresh rate.....if you go with 16gb of memory, a stock 3600 CPU, the SSD drives i listed and a EVGA PSU you should have about 500 to 600 bucks left to buy a GPU.....
this is just my opinion on what you could do....it will come down to what you want out of the system....