High ping problem (again)


Registered User
Aug 9, 2009
Ey Guys I have been able to play 2142 only at nights For the last two months because my ping raises between 1 pm and 1 am from 230/250 to 300/310 i dont know why. This happens to me every day :S

i call to my isp but they dont know a shit.

Any hope to raise the limit to 310/315 to test? i know that only for me is not worth it but maybe i have a chance.

Another question: BC2 has a ping limit too? i want to move to BC2, in the beta no ones servers kicks me for high ping. :P

BTW my conecction Telefonica SPEEDY is a f*cking SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!

fixed, you can try now. If doesn't work wait for a restart whenever that happens.
Thanks Fast, the servers are empty now but i can play =)
ISP suck when they have no competition; take your money and your stuck. I live in a small town & one service provider, I feel your pain. I would hate to play against you with a good ping...btw.
Eso te pasa por estar tan lejos che.....es broma...me alegra q todo se arregle de esta manera...:D
ISP suck when they have no competition; take your money and your stuck. I live in a small town & one service provider, I feel your pain. I would hate to play against you with a good ping...btw.

"Speedy" from Telefonica is the only isp in my town, i pay 3 times more than a better connection in the north of my country (in Buenos Aires they have 160 ping). lol

Eso te pasa por estar tan lejos che.....es broma...me alegra q todo se arregle de esta manera...:D

Si soy de muy lejos xD muy abajo diria. Por ahora veremos ya q puedo jugar con 300, no me molesta mientras no me eche del server :P