Frostbite 2 demo and more bf3 details


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
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There are also some BF3 details on the twitter feed of Alan "Demize99" Kertz, the senior gameplay designer on Battlefield 3 (thanks Big Download), who mentions "Huge Maps. Tanks Defibrillators. Jets. Team play" and "The focus of #BF3 isn't special forces... we'll leave that to MOH" and "Yes, there will be spotting" and "Dolphin Diving is out. Period" and "There will be a knife, there will be dogtags. No details for now" and "I want players to have to chose between CQB and Long Range, there won't be hybrid scopes because it kills that choice" and "Vehicle/Infantry balance is a focus for me, it will be awesome this time" and "No plans for ziplines or grapple hooks no" and "BF3 will be deeper than BF2. That said we've paid a lot of attention to keeping depth while pacing the learning curve."
Is that a steel pipe in my pocket?

When I was in my 20's I could hammer rail road ties into the ground with my cock.
When I was in my 30's I drove nails through a board, no problem.
Now I'm in my 40s and I can hammer a thumbtack through cork board with it...sad how times change. lol

All joking aside that didn't excite me too much. It was more like blah, blah, blah, blah blah..Frostbite 2.0. Show me blood spray, guts, detailed scenery, facial expressions and then we'll talk.
not sure if they will optimize frostbite 2, but in terms of graphic crysis 1 and 2 still looks better
better displayed here
@Demize99 This may sound like an odd request, but can you confirm that jets are indeed pilot-able?
@mhurley187 Yes. Yes you fly the jets. :P We aren't that evil!

@Demize99 is the Carl Gustav coming back?
@andronemai No, no King Karl.

@Demize99 Will we see the return of an exclusive feature of #BF2SpecialForces? #BF3
@Blond3r The focus of #BF3 isn't special forces... we'll leave that to MOH.

@Demize99 Thanks for the reply, but this is what I was meaning about drop shotting.. YouTube - MW2 Drop Shot Much?
@CowanVols Yeah, asme as dolphin diving, and no, it doesn't work.

@Demize99 Is #BF3 going to have spotting?
@OLP_Fan Yes, there will be spotting

@CowanVols Dolphin Diving is out. Period. #BF3
@Demize99 I know this isn't part of your job, but what is ur opinion on Dropshotting and will that be a factor in #BF3 unlike it was in #BC2

@Demize99 With the grapple hook and zipwire is there still the possibility of an expansion pack later on?
@Marler123 No plans for grapple hook or zipwires no.

@demize99 @locust9 is there bullet drop in #bf3?
@BF_Fan_UK Yes, there is bullet drop. Doesn't work the same as BC2 though, it's a much deeper system.

@Demize99 Any comments on the knive and dogtags? #BF3
@JoostPlas There will be a knife, there will be dogtags. No details for now. #BF3

@Demize99 Heres a cool feature you guys could add: Hybrid Scopes! Combat Facts! Video Game, Mission 1: Sights & Scopes HD | Video Clip | Game Trailers & Videos |
@DaEpicStorm I want players to have to chose between CQB and Long Range, there won't be hybrid scopes because it kills that choice.

@Demize99 Please tell me extra effort is going into balancing jets. They broke the classic BF rock-paper-scissors balance in BF2.
@becktionary Vehicle/Infantry balance is a focus for me, it will be awesome this time. #BF3

@Demize99 Will BF3 feature Prone ability on all platforms? Certainly its not resource intensive on PS3 or X360 systems.
@DeadFire87 Yes, prone is on all platforms.

@Demize99 Will the learning curve be as big as bf2, i mean, it was pretty bad in bf2, and make a way to large segregation between players.
@Sandvichman94 BF3 will be deeper than BF2. That said we've paid a lot of attention to keeping depth while pacing the learning curve.

@Demize99 Will there be friendly fire in bf3?
@OD32 Friendly Fire will be an option, yes.

@Demize99 Will there be tracer darts?
@OD32 No, no tracer darts. That's a bit too BC and not enough BF.

You don't kill COD by trying to be COD. You kill COD by making a better shooter. #BF3
There were many other questions asked, but the answer to them were "no comment". As early as development still is in Battlefield 3, there are still many aspects to work out. Also, not all answers are in great detail. Some can be taken out of context or down a path not intended.