post your bf3 alpha thoughts and opinions


Registered User
Feb 9, 2011
ok just played a hour of this game, not really enjoying it that much..


- 2 shots to kill some one? what is this hardcore? you cant make it to objective with out getting picked off a mile away.

- when you drop shot you shoot to the left, which is good..

-tried to dolphine dive and counldn't.

-lav looks really compact probally just because of alpha


make health like bf2, and weapon damge like bf2. other then that, it seems alright, that one map is super boring especially when attackers cant get the 2 com stations.
they said dolphin diving was removed as far as I remember. Never really liked dolphin diving anyway
Hit reg is fine in my opinion. It should take a few shots, but certainly not 5-10.
Hit reg is fine in my opinion. It should take a few shots, but certainly not 5-10.
you die way to quick, you cant turn on people, it basicly is hardcore mode of bc2.. which is dumb if you got shot twice thats it.. should be same as bf2, it was perfect in bf2, now it takes no skills to get the kills
Like I said, I think it's good. BF2's hitreg was quite poor.
Doaker this game was tried to be based on realism over the fact that you need to use your head it is not gun hoe run in the open and expect not to get slammed to the ground by fire. To my understanding it takes more skill to play this game as always cover is your friend and can be your worst enemy this is more of a competitive game then just run and shoot.
Doaker also note their giving one level in one mode in one setting. This doesnt account for the rest of the game. It allows players to concentrate on the problems of this particular setup relating to code and not bombard the programmers with every thought and problem related to things still in development. Its an alpha not a demo. I didnt get much time but the shooting felt more like bf2 atleast it was different than bad company.
i really hope no hardcore/softcore shit, just one mode and that's it. Whatever it is, i'm fine with. I just want it to register properly. far I havent even been able to launch the bitch, no matter what the fuck I do it just wont start. This Origin/Battle-Log Bullshit is a total garbage, you start the game, FPS game, from the browser? WTF is that all about, seriously...
Ugh, if anyone hears anytihng about Game Manager giving "A generic game error was reported, please try again. ( code: 1 )" error, lemme know. I searched forums and I coulndt find shit on this.
do u guys like the knifing on this game ? its realistic but battlefield is not a simulator, is it ?

actually theres a whole thread on the alpha forums on this, this will definitely kill the crazy knife figths that we used to have on bc2, im not asking for a bc3 but cmon, its almost a cinematic.... i just want to kill the guy.

have u noticed that when u fire a rocket the smoke it produces not behind him but a little above it looks weird, just not right.

i been posting on the forums this alpha has some many glitches, and things to fix.

try leaving the shift key pressed just before the round starts or just before u spawn and ull see how ur rifle or gun moves like crazy.

sometimes when u jump over a fence u get slowed down by an invisible barrier that happened too on bc2, seems like a frostbite thing. but its annoying.

if u are on the loadout screen and ur seeing ur soldier and the round ends ull keep on seeing him over the score screen.
Rain how does your asus laptop hold up against the game? I know I am going to buy it immediately even if it doesn't run (im gambling bf3 has the replay value bf2 still has/ want to get MotherMan and not have to do anything funny to the name). Also should I consider upgrading my CPU, its the core 2 duo p8700 2.53ghz
Rain how does your asus laptop hold up against the game? I know I am going to buy it immediately even if it doesn't run (im gambling bf3 has the replay value bf2 still has/ want to get MotherMan and not have to do anything funny to the name). Also should I consider upgrading my CPU, its the core 2 duo p8700 2.53ghz

As with BC2 my cpu is loaded as all hell. 90-98% in minimal observation. Mind you once the game comes out add punkbuster and teamspeak into the equation who knows your definitely 100%. I have the 2.8 Ghz T9600 Clocking at 3.2Ghz stable atm. The gpu isnt taking it that well either. It would be consistently playable on low @ 720P if i had a quad core but borderline minimal.

19 to 35 fps outdoors upwards of 43 indoors sometimes. Get some stutters and drops if the cpu gets loaded by an unrelated app.

I would advise getting an X9100 and clocking that shit as close to 3.7 Ghz as you can get. At 250 bucks its just worth working towards a 600 dollar desktop or a new laptop iont he 1200-1500 dollar range might be able to play at 1000 on current offerings.

@chivo - I noticed F quick swings the knife should be good for a kill but i know ateast u cant get tags that way.
so ur telling me that u can actually kill someone without gettin tags ?

yesterday i swung at a guy like ten times and never died.
so ur telling me that u can actually kill someone without gettin tags ?

yesterday i swung at a guy like ten times and never died.

Either that or its a feature to say hey fuck with me and ill actually knife u lol.

Most opportunity for the knife ive missed so far.
and yes doaker, it looks like its hardcore mode, u die almost instantly, u cant even react if someones hiding and shoots first ure dead. this will definetly change the way u play.

i think bc2 was a cod wannabe (gameplay style - dont know if ull get what im trying to say) with its deathmatch mode. and normal and hardcore is the way that dice used to make team deathmatch playable and take it apart from the core of battlefield wich is conquest and rush.

i really think well see hardcore and normal mode again, since well have the team deathmatch again in bf3.

two different playstyles in one game. the versatility of this game is just awesome.
and thats just my opinion.
Doaker this game was tried to be based on realism over the fact that you need to use your head it is not gun hoe run in the open and expect not to get slammed to the ground by fire. To my understanding it takes more skill to play this game as always cover is your friend and can be your worst enemy this is more of a competitive game then just run and shoot.

erm? where did they say that.. its a game, simulators are dumb.. ill be very dissapointed
I love simulators. Different kind of gaming experience though, that's for sure :).
m the core of battlefield wich is conquest and rush.

i really think well see hardcore and normal mode again, since well have the team deathmatch again in bf3.

two different playstyles in one game. the versatility of this game is just awesome.
and thats just my opinion.

I disagree completely, from what I have read so far, it sounds like BF3 is going to exacerbate all of the things the core battlefield players do not like, for example being able to turn and shoot the person shooting at you, or being able to actually hit a guy with the knife instead of having some crazy visual sequence.

Im kinda bummed I did'nt get an alpha invite, I really wanted to see how the so called "Sequal to BF2" has come, or if it's even worthy to be called a battlefield game.
I've said it before but I'll say it again-if you hate BC2 you're going to be sorely disappointed with BF3. It's the same damn engine, Frostbite, and a lot of the same themes on this game. This is a totally different animal than BF2 or BC2 and the direction EA's been heading with BC2 and beyond won't win over some of the hard core BF2 fans.
I disagree completely, from what I have read so far, it sounds like BF3 is going to exacerbate all of the things the core battlefield players do not like, for example being able to turn and shoot the person shooting at you, or being able to actually hit a guy with the knife instead of having some crazy visual sequence.

Im kinda bummed I did'nt get an alpha invite, I really wanted to see how the so called "Sequal to BF2" has come, or if it's even worthy to be called a battlefield game.

actually lex, thats not possible in the game im playin right now, if someone starts shootin at u from behind ur DEAD, period, u will go down,u wont even have time to think .

and regarding the knifing its kinda funny because ppl dont know what they want, some want the bf2 knife back, some dont like the animation we have now, some want the bc2 knife. But this is a new game so, particulary i think we should always get different things from a new game. ppl are complaining about the animation that is too slow and that u cant knife a lot of ppl but the same thing happens on bc2, if u knife someone and theres another guy nearby he will definitely realize that u knifed his buddy and will try to kill u, sometimes he will , sometimes he wont. yesterday i knifed 3 guys that were pretty close to each other, and i got them bcuz im a fucking ninja and im somehow used to the new system.

soo i think this is something and happens with every new game, we just have to learn everything again and have fun.