post your bf3 alpha thoughts and opinions

I've said it before but I'll say it again-if you hate BC2 you're going to be sorely disappointed with BF3. It's the same damn engine, Frostbite, and a lot of the same themes on this game. This is a totally different animal than BF2 or BC2 and the direction EA's been heading with BC2 and beyond won't win over some of the hard core BF2 fans.

Actually, I hated BC2, but I love BF3. Don't agree with that statement.
i would have to agree with soulzz on this one.

I didn't like sniping in BC2. Too easy specially on hardcore. In BF3 it is much more difficult. Seems like they are using Call of Duty style (which is good in this case). You need to hold your breath to steady your shot or else its shaking in a V motion.

Also did not like BC2 choke points in conquest. We all can attest to that in Vietnam. It sucks! Now with the maps much larger (for conquest at least) i don't think you will have that problem.
Fast, I'm just talking about the style of game play. It has a lot of similarities to BC2, and yes the maps are bigger and there are a lot of changes but from what I've heard a lot of people were disgruntled with not just the maps or the hit registry, but the style of game play and that's my point-this will be nearer BC2 than BF2 from what I've seen and read.
Fast, I'm just talking about the style of game play. It has a lot of similarities to BC2, and yes the maps are bigger and there are a lot of changes but from what I've heard a lot of people were disgruntled with not just the maps or the hit registry, but the style of game play and that's my point-this will be nearer BC2 than BF2 from what I've seen and read.

So far the game is like neither to me. It has a game mode from BC2 and thats where that ends. It doeskin have the command rose so BF2 players will now be outraged for the rest of their lives.

The alpha encourages and rewards teamwork such as a squad spawn bonus and suppressive fire kill assists. While slightly flawed we can now reject revives hooray lol.

Spotting is already hot keyed and the systems in both games already notify any medic on your team if your injured. The need ammo from the command rose would be useful for notifying someone early but if you actually used it when you were out of ammo the game already does that. If you have had enough time to press the command rose twice youve had enough time to squad chat it. The rest of the commands have no equivalent auto or manual function in the game and that sucks for some of you.

I cant thoroughly enjoy or experience the game on my laptop so as far as how it really feels I wont know til the game is out. The main reason they dont want anyone disclosing ANY info on the alpha is because nothing is final.

The current damage, points all that shit will be changed and tweaked alot its not something the trial is meant to show. Seeing how the gameplay is with 32 players allows the developers to tweak it. Your job isnt to worry about if this is final, its to report that everytime you spawn your gun is above your head.