Recent content by manny8083

  1. manny8083

    Buying a New Computer

    Take a look at Dell outlet, lot of good deals
  2. manny8083

    Just an honest discussion

    The word is used in bad context at least 90% of the time. If you used it in a decent context we would lift the ban. We don’t treat it the same as the n-word. N-word, no matter the context we ban. When it comes to jew, we ban first and ask questions later. If we were to remove the word from the...
  3. manny8083

    Just an honest discussion

    I’ll chime in here, because I’m qualified. Of course the word “Jew” is not in of itself a slur. But in our servers, there are 2 rules that make this word problematic. The first being racial slurs and the second is no politics. I can’t find many situations where the word wouldn’t be used in...
  4. manny8083

    How dumb can a pc game be?

    This game was actually developed by our in house developers, @Irishian88J and @Matt-aka-FAST. They did years of research and used personal experiences to really nail down that realism.
  5. manny8083

    New games for the holidays

    Tarkov just wiped, if you like giving yourself brain aneurysms it's a great game for you
  6. manny8083


    We have a no VPN policy on our servers, it will kick you.
  7. manny8083

    Let's talk about the state of BF2042

    Honestly I only like hazard zone, but the fact they don't have in game voip is just stupid. It's a fun mode but can't communicate with squad mates
  8. manny8083

    Help moving from my old hard drive to my new one

    It should be in origin settings, just make new drive the library and move whatever origin games from old drive to new drive
  9. manny8083

    Help moving from my old hard drive to my new one

    Can you just move libraries?
  10. manny8083

    Away until GPU is fixed

    I have 2 3090ti as backups, only cost me 12k
  11. manny8083

    voteban system for TBG members only

    @SRQea, he means website members, not admins.
  12. manny8083

    Got my preorder

    There are many ways to get around hardware bans. It's more of a marketing thing where it looks like they're doing all they can but in reality they know there are ways around it and they can still sell more copies to the guys they just banned. I've been playing Tarkov the past couple of months...
  13. manny8083

    Got my preorder

    In response to the cheats for sale EA has dropped the price to $5 so the hackers can buy more copies once banned.
  14. manny8083

    Got my preorder

    Level 140 day one edition...