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  • Keep you from thinking bout switching teams.
    do you have a link to the new patch and how big is it? i downloaded one that is 1.95gb
    did bf2142 change back to the old 1.50
    Hey Fast I Need some help getting the Ventrilo Chat to work i have it downloaded but when ever i go to the IP Address it wont let me join ?
    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

    just fighting commander

    ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

    weird sentry placement, it seems like it's firing from titan crate, even tho titan is locked, not sure where placed it, even the sneakiest placement of sentry, I tend to find usually..
    Hey FAST,I have a little problem with a small fuckfacing german child.he was baseraping on bavaria so i take a screenshot like yesterday.i told him that is baserapin and against the rules so he start a big spam chat in german language.i'm a MF,asshole and much more.It's everyday on this time(noobtime?). It is't the first time that he raping but the first that he was spaming like this.He's a fucking rasist(you see this with the 88 in his name). name is WB-Crime Wittenberg88.It's only a game but this was to much.If you can,do something,if you want see the screenshot,PM me.Greetz,Helel.
    yea forsure . send me some details and stuff.
    Ill be on there tmmrw , i went to a school metro and finished at Ymillz .
    last name is Dra____ .. yea man forsure. Come out sometime and i bet ya can get some free drinks at my buddy's club dowtnwon. Send me a email sometime.. I bet you can get it by clickin my account info.

    We shall talk my bud..
    Amazing. I live down at yonge and eglington. You might know a guy name Andy .. I went to HS and Jnr High wiht him. But i got a msg from soulz and he told me to come here anyways. But seems i met a TO dude here aswell
    Hey Buddy.

    Where in Toronto you abouts?? I check out about Members and saw your from TO. Anyways, chat with you soon man. I think you may know a person i know btw it looks on Fbook when i click that link by accident

    Chat soon
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