Recent content by Papasmurf7676

  1. Papasmurf7676

    [Squad] How do you learn SQUAD???

    Make sure you do the basic training as well, the vids also help so you can understand some things beforehand. No one here that I know of gets mad if you don't know what you're doing, it's fine and we all teach. As long as you're willing to learn and listen is what matters.
  2. Papasmurf7676


    Out of stock at the 2 near me as well.
  3. Papasmurf7676

    [Squad] Link to the Rules

    You may have seen our other admins saying no one manning if a squad complains about it and has the crewmen to man it. If there's a dedicated armor squad or other guys who want to run a team on it, I'll give it up no problem. If the armor is sitting at main and no one wants it by match start...
  4. Papasmurf7676

    [Squad] Link to the Rules

    Rules are as follows: 1. No Hacking, Cheating, or Glitching. 2. No Racial Slurs. 3. No Abusive Behavior/Language. 4. Do not base rape the enemies uncap. 5. Seeding rules are no digging fobs/habs or mortars till 20v20, fight over mid cap if available. 6. No one manning main battle tanks. 7...
  5. Papasmurf7676

    [Squad] TBG Yeho map has finally arrived

    With the release of V13 today mods will be broken until cooked with the new sdk. So when that is out I'll push another update, and that will include some fixes I'm working on. It's taking a while as I've had a lot of personal stuff going on but work is getting done.
  6. Papasmurf7676

    Server Seeding Rules

    He still wears the tags and has some authority since others don't know. I haven't seeded with him before so not sure how he likes it but I think by this point it's pretty standard.
  7. Papasmurf7676

    Server Seeding Rules

    Not sure who that admin was, but the general rule most of us follow is fighting over mid cap or fob up even caps, then fight in the middle or another designated spot. As long as people can spawn on fobs and they're not dug down then it's cool. Once people start pushing into fobs that goes too...
  8. Papasmurf7676

    Post your gats

    My carry weapon out of the collection. S&W shield .40 (if the pics don't make it obvious..)
  9. Papasmurf7676

    [Squad] TBG Yeho map has finally arrived

    Indeed, I'm waiting until we get more than one squad on one squad. Of course it'll be easy to get across then, not a lot of people to see you. I made it a bit easier on the sides to let a breakthrough happen. So it's not a constant meat grinder. At the moment it's just hard to tell since as...
  10. Papasmurf7676

    [Squad] TBG Yeho map has finally arrived

    Map has been updated this morning. Fixed some things, removed some things and some balancing tries. Stuff is in the patch notes if you care that much. Again if you play on it let me know how it goes and what else needs fixes or improvements. Think between the next update I'll pretty up the...
  11. Papasmurf7676

    [Squad] TBG Yeho map has finally arrived

    Indeed, it's been a while in the making but since the release of the current SDK mods are fixed and I was able to release the mod. It's initial so only so much I can test and see just by myself. So when you guys get the time if you can subscribe so we can get a test going that would be great. Of...
  12. Papasmurf7676

    Mystic is the man!

    Damn.. I help you setup for ssd and everything and all I get is a thanks?
  13. Papasmurf7676

    Help rate my pc build

    It's a monitor, by samsung. to be precise. I was weary on going wide but since I did it's been great. But running some games on my 1070 to this resolution really don't reach full potential. I need a new...
  14. Papasmurf7676

    Help rate my pc build

    I haven't found a big problem with it yet. Or maybe I just don't play games that happen to not support it so don't notice.
  15. Papasmurf7676

    Help rate my pc build

    This is wide, 34" curved at 100mhz with 4ms response. I really can't tell a huge difference between response times so not a deal breaker to me though the refresh rate you can obviously tell.