Recent content by St. Ides

  1. St. Ides

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player EMF_Radiation

    @Yekkz dealt with this guy for us - dipped!
  2. St. Ides

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player EMF_Radiation

    Do you have any video of the offense?
  3. St. Ides

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player yeeyeeidk

    Just gonna go and add my two cents: Please see our BF4 server rules under the FAQ Specifically, - 3(a). Players shooting out of Uncap. If an enemy player is actively shooting out of their uncap via a...
  4. St. Ides

    Reporting Battlefield 4 Player clumsypants

    I'm not sure we have enough to act on at this point given the video you've provided. There is plenty of room for him to argue that he wasn't trying to 'roadkill' you given that you started shooting at him on the bike first. Would also like to point out that the clip only shows the one instance...
  5. St. Ides

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player Pavaza007

    dipped for ceiling glitch on metro
  6. St. Ides

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player SmackedWith870

    Hmm - He should already be banned through BA?? Double dipping for good measure
  7. St. Ides

    Reporting Battlefield 3 Player mannimax0

    I'm just going to ban the IP - multiple accounts already banned either through us or BA for cheating, and the IP isn't a VPN!
  8. St. Ides

    Merry Christmas!
