2142 NS help :(

  • Thread starter Thread starter Forrest02
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ok so since this is about the battlefield seris northern strike is par tof it but i was hoping for some help on this
i bought, downloaded, and installed the game

when i go to a server NS it says u need the northern striek expasion packet ( i have it)

help :(
Did you use the EA downloader? If so then that may be your problem. One option, even though its a pain it to uninstall 2142 completely and then reinstall and update to 1.15 I think then reinstall NS then update to 1.5
if this doesnt work im sueing EA, waste of 10 bucks
Well you wouldnt be the first who wanted to burn the EA HQ down. I myself wanted to and had to do exactly what you're doing now. I hate EA downloader and never ever use it anymore.
i had to call EA to get my NS expansion activated even though i payed and downloaded it before..
itj ust says u need the northern strike to play this server -_-

whos with me on kiling EA = (Electronic Ambush)
uninstall the whole game reinstall use update 1.4 install NS then use incremental 1.4-1.5
1.4......dont forget im new here since feb....
Do you have the Deluxe DVD version of the game or just the normal DVD? The deluxe includes NS and is already patched to 1.4. If not follow Balls instructions. Just copy the BF2142 folder under My Documents and restore it once you reinstall that way you don't have to redo your settings and favorites.
NS works like this. If you have BF2142 installed and updated to 1.5. Which you probably do if you've been playing recently. After you bought and downloaded the NS part you will have to goto your EA account and register the NS part. You have to do that even if your purchace the Deluxe version. Let me know if you have it installed on XP or vista?