2143 Confirmed?

i actually think gunship wont be the way we want to be. No rear view 000camera views in BF3. Really sucks.

I dont think you should be able to destroy titans with destruction 2.0. Should be like the way we know it, blow up the consoles and then the hull! :D
i actually think gunship wont be the way we want to be. No rear view 000camera views in BF3. Really sucks.

I dont think you should be able to destroy titans with destruction 2.0. Should be like the way we know it, blow up the consoles and then the hull! :D

Hopefully they don't disappoint on the GS, that would be mucho sad.

Why not? it would be really fucking cool to see the inside of titan tore apart to shit; im not saying make it foreign to the classic, but rather spicing up the old stuff just a little :)
I'd like to see it as close to the same as they can get it but with distruction poriod......ok and more gun's. But thats it! Don't fuck it up with grass and tree's all over the place and what not for no reason. The game as it is. Is a great start. Please EA don't fuck it up. Less is more some time's.
not being a religious person, i tend not to take people at their word without any evidence.
I play with dice members...... I talk to them on a regular basis...... I am telling you its real.

You think they are DICE players, but for all you know it's some dude name Bjork sitting at a computer in the woods of greenland.
lmfao lmfao dont insult ure intelligence lex. I promise you they are who they are.

ps. when have i made bullshit up?

pss i rest my case
Thats pretty slick of them I hope they are I didn't play much 2142 but what I did play I liked. That's super subtle though I bet there is other stuff in the maps just super hard to find
I have already confirmed its real.

And this is me believing the post that I see in front of me without any hard evidence.


Also, hi I'm from DICE. Wanna know what I'm making in 2012?

Point is, it probably is 2143... but it's not official yet. You saying it don't mean a thing.